
January 27, 2009

First District candidate Dzindzeleta launches campaign website

Attention local elected leaders: It's time to follow Mercedes Dzindzeleta's lead.

The First District aldermanic candidate launched a blog Tuesday in support her campaign for City Council. It's an idea that's underutilized in local politics. Blogs should be the new political yard sign.

Dzindzeleta's site is a simple Blogger layout that's easy to maintain and free to setup. More importantly, it gives her an easy way to publish thoughts and stances throughout her campaign.

One of Dzindzeleta's first posts was a well-reasoned call for city officials to prevent erasing former Mayor Gary Becker's budget address and state of the city on the City of Racine website. She writes:
Records of the mayor’s work within the community should be preserved so that current and future leaders can be address city issues properly and with perspective, she says. Secondly, voters and others in community positions should have such information available as well.
Blogs give city officials and candidates opportunities to address their constituents in a timely manner, and to offer their personal insight into city business. They're a great opportunity to bring transparency to city government and to clue the public into issues simmering out of public view.

They're also an opportunity to bring added depth to reporting on City Hall. Try as local reporters might, there's always another story worth telling. City Council members could do voters a real favor by maintaining active local websites that promote dialogue and raise the level political discourse in the city.

So get started! Head over to Blogger and you'll have a site up and running in 15 minutes. Send us an email and we'll let people know you're out there. Then, it's just up to you to let your news and views be heard.


  1. Good to see that Mercedes is speaking up. She's been attending city council meetings for a very long time and quite aware of the community issues.


  3. Mercedes is easily the most qualified of the three other candidates. She's been an activist, spokesperson and successful business person in the 1st District for years.

  4. You know if I could be assured she will leave religion out of the office, clean up a bit, get a hair cut, look professional, she would really be able to sell herself as a really good candidate. I want something good for Racine, for downtown, for ALL of Racine but really someone who understands they have to represent Racine and look like they represent Racine. It isn't a personal attack, it is rather an observation and an impression.

  5. Are we talking about the same candidate? I know Mercedes Dzindzeleta, and I have never heard her discuss God or religion publicly.

    Perhaps you are thinking of the OTHER alderperson candidate?

  6. Mercedes is uniquely qualified to serve on the City Council; she knows the issues, has a clean record of intelligent and honest work in environment and business issues. She's strong and clear, fair and disciplined.

    Frankly, with the good old boy network in Racine, we need to punch a few holes...let's elect a capable, respected, educated and caring public servant like Mercedes...

    She is dedicated and will serve with great integrity, and help move our city forward.

    And...hey, let's cut out the nasty and hateful blogging.
