
January 20, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Mayor Becker resigns


Mayor Gary Becker's attorney, Patrick Cafferty -- who told the AP that his client plans to plead not guilty -- delivered a letter containing the mayor's resignation to City Hall this morning.

The one-sentence letter says:
Dear Common Council:

In accordance with 17.01, Wis. Stats, I resign my position as the Mayor of the City of Racine effective at 5:00 p.m. today, January 20, 2009.

Gary Becker
By late morning, City Attorney Rob Weber, Deputy City Attorney Scott Letteney and City Administrator Ben Hughes were meeting -- and seemingly talking by telephone to every one of the 15 aldermen -- to determine the city's next steps.

The first decision they made is that tonight's 5:30 p.m. meeting of the Council's Executive Committee, will not be held. The meeting was called and publicly noticed, specifically to determine what to do in the absence of a resignation by the Mayor, and thus is moot. But a meeting of the Committee of the Whole - the entire City Council -- has been scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday to discuss the direction the Council prefers. That meeting will be open to the public as well.

The Council has three options involving the appointment of a temporary mayor:
-- Appoint someone to fill the remainder of Becker's term, which ends in 2011;
-- Appoint someone and schedule a special election to be held in two months;
-- Appoint someone and schedule an election in April 2010.
Earlier today: Police Chief Wahlen's letter asking his removal.

Council was to meet tonight to begin removal process


  1. No Maack you will NOT be appointed Mayor the people of Racine DEMAND a election!

  2. The thought that the new meeting was THURSDAY night, at 6 P.M.?

  3. Borrowing a line from President Obama, "We must pick ourselves up and begin remaking Racine."

  4. Thanks, Aon 1:50, you are correct. I've changed the story.
