January 2, 2009
$350 million unclaimed... is any of it yours?
Wisconsin's state treasurer is sitting on a pile of treasure -- $350 million worth to be exact. And it all belongs to us!
Treasurer Dawn Marie Sass wants to return the money and property to its rightful owners (alas, not to me) and has created a website that makes it ridiculously easy for anyone to check whether any of the unclaimed property is theirs.
Here's the link -- SHAZAAAM! Just plug your name into the search box -- and don't forget your friends here at RacinePost when you receive that big windfall!
In 2008, the program returned more than $28 million worth of unclaimed property to more than 25,000 people; that was nearly $3.3 million more than in 2007. And still the pile grows: The $350 million remaining belongs to roughly 1.3 million people. Under Wisconsin law, after one to five years of inactivity, Wisconsin businesses must turn over all unclaimed money, stock and safe deposit box contents to the State Treasurer's office for safekeeping. There is no time limit for collecting unclaimed property.
Since the program began in 1970, more than $155 million has been claimed by 205,000 people. So, what are you waiting for?
Here's an additional bonus: A link to a national database of unclaimed funds. Good luck!
Thank you. I saw my ex-husband's wife's name on the list so I called her immediately. We get along very well. She doesn't have the internet so that was my good deed for the year. LOL