
December 16, 2008

Remember Eddie on TV's Frasier? Well, here's Petey

Here's your chance to right a grave wrong.

Remember the TV show, Frasier, starring Kelsey Grammer? It was on the tube for 11 seasons, won a record 37 Emmy awards. And yet -- year after year, award show after award show -- a key actor went unrewarded.

Yes, we're talking about Moose, the Jack Russell terrier who played Eddie for the first eight seasons. (He was replaced by his son, Enzo.) Eddie could steal a scene from Grammer merely by cocking his head. But did an Emmy ever come his way? Nooooo!

Well, you can make it all up by adopting Petey, a 3-year-old, neutered male Jack Russell terrier. He's a small, lively dog and would prefer to live with an experienced terrier owner, or as an only dog, according to the Countryside Humane Society.

Actually, Petey would prefer to live in England chase foxes down their dens, as Jack Russells were bred to do starting in 1795, but that's not gonna happen. But it helps explain why terriers are tenacious about sharing their territory. Still, if you want a dog full of energy, affectionate; one that will make you laugh -- then Petey may be the dog for you.

Visit him at the Countryside Humane Society, 2706 Chicory Road, or call (262) 554-6699.

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