
December 12, 2008

Kohl, Feingold disappointed with auto bailout failure

Wisconsin Senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold, both Democrats, expressed disappointment today with the Senate's rejection Thursday of the auto bailout, a rejection engineered by Senate Republicans despite the fact that the White House had structured the program. Both issued statements:

Feingold said he was "greatly disappointed" by the action:
“I supported this plan to help the U.S. auto industry because without this assistance, millions of American jobs, including tens of thousands in Wisconsin, will be jeopardized. In these tough economic times, allowing our auto manufacturers to fail could be catastrophic for our economy and could send already increasing unemployment levels skyrocketing. I am greatly disappointed that some Senators didn’t hesitate to bail out Wall Street, but decided not to help millions of working class Americans.”
Kohl said he hoped Congress would reconsider the package:
"We regret that the rescue package didn’t pass. Especially because the auto industry is so important to our economy. We hope Congress will have another opportunity to provide a bridge loan in January or that the Treasury will act."
When the bill was considered by the House, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan voted yes.


  1. Of everything I have read and not saying I haven’t missed something, they want all the factory workers to take concessions. I have not seen anywhere that CEO’s and the like have been requested to do the same.

  2. Please tell me why a worker on a line should get $30+/hr and expect me to pay for it?
    Here information you will not see in the post. The Janesville workers will get two if not three years of full pay when that plant closes my guess is that very few will take this opportunity to go to school to learn a new trade.
