
December 20, 2008

Journal-Sentinel abandons Racine with snow alerts

If you needed another sign that the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel has abandoned Racine ... the area's largest newspaper did not include snow-related closings in Racine County during yesterday's snow storm. They had Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington and Ozaukee counties.

This is a change from past years when they would list Racine's closings. Now, we're left with the Milwaukee TV stations to compile the lists. I used WTMJ's site for area closings.


  1. We've just decided not to renew our Sunday Journal Sentinel. I don't need to pay over a buck for ads and local news for places I don't live

  2. TMJ4 needs to do a better job with school closings as well. I watched all the Milwaukee listings for well over a half an hour waiting for the Racine closings to come around to see if we had school.

    They list everything as equal. When so many things are closed, it just takes too long. They should have a separate scrolling bar for the major school districts that are closed. Parents and teachers need quicker info to get ready in case school is open and we need to get out in that mess.

  3. I got my school closing info on this site.

  4. also has this content.
