
November 6, 2008

Ryan says 'no thanks' to leadership draft

The story in the Wisconsin State Journal earlier today said:
Colleagues of U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan are trying to draft him for the top leadership spot among Congressional Republicans — and the Janesville Republican is listening. "He is in listening mode, gathering input from several of his colleagues who have contacted him," Conor Sweeney, Ryan's spokesman, said today.
Well, he's no longer listening. Early this evening, Ryan made clear he is not interested in seeking the House Minority Leader's post -- a thankless job, to be sure, when the majority party in both houses and the presidency belongs to the other side of the aisle.

Wrote Ryan:
“I have been honored and humbled by the outpouring of support from my colleagues who have asked me to lead our party in the 111th Congress. I share their hunger for reform and will work tirelessly as a policy leader for the Republican Party. My first priority in life will always be my wife and my three young children. As I reflect upon the strains that this position would place on my young family, I have decided not to enter my name as a candidate for House Minority Leader.”
Oh, yeah, "family reasons." Nothing to do with that Democratic majority. Me bad.


  1. Ryan ain't no foo!

  2. Paul is a devoted family man. You can take him at his word on this.

    Minority leader is a definite step up.
