
November 3, 2008

City wants to install LED lights in parking ramp

LED lights

City officials are seeking permission to install more LED lights in the Civic Centre Parking Ramp.

Racine became the first city in Wisconsin to install LED lights this year. The new lights, which use 20 percent of the energy and last at least three times as long as normal lights, were installed on Spring Street just west of State Street, 21st Street and Taylor Avenue, and on South Memorial Drive from 16th to 18th streets.

The city's public works office will ask the City Council Wednesday night for the OK to apply for a grant to pay for the lights.

Ann Arbor, Michigan replaced all of its street lights with LEDs in 2007. It expects to pay for over 1,000 new fixtures in under four years with energy savings and fewer bulbs changed.

1 comment:

  1. City's all across America are toying with the idea of installing energy efficient LED Lighting which is great news. Not many installations provide a city with a Return on Investment like LED and those savings add up top real dollars that can be redeployed. As energy rates all across America are set to increase, the time is now to make decisions which will help secure tax dollars are used wisely. Clean Light Green Light which is the Microsoft of the commercial LED market is playing a large part in the move towards helping city's all across America become energy independent. If all business and City's replaced all florescent lights with LED that would make a huge dent in the green house gas emissions that are seriously damaging our environment.
