
November 18, 2008

City of Racine accused of discrimination by public health administrator

The same attorney who filed sexual harassment charges against City Administrator Ben Hughes is now threatening to file a discrimination claim on behalf of Racine Public Health Administrator Janelle Grammer.

Attorney Nola Cross wrote a letter to the city on Nov. 11* alleging Grammer:
has been subjected to certain personnel actions based upon illegal age discrimination, prior Equal Employment Opportunity activity, and opposition to age and disability discrimination.

Cross threatened to file a complaint under state and federal law if the matter was not resolved internally.

The city Attorney's office said Tuesday they have hired Attorney Mark Olson, of Davis & Kuelthau SC, to represent the city in the case.

Cross is out of the country and unavailable for comment, her office said Tuesday. Cross filed a sexual harassment suit against Hughes in July. The city hired Olson to investigate and issued a report clearing Hughes of wrongdoing.

We were tipped to the story about Grammer's suit by an anonymous source, and confirmed it Tuesday morning with the City Attorney's office.

Grammer was not immediately available for comment.

* This story originally said the letter was sent on Nov. 13. It was sent on Nov. 11 but received by the city on Nov. 13.


  1. How much more of this are going to face due to Mayor Garry "But I want A Train" Becker

  2. Something smells rotten in Denmark, er...I mean City Hall.

  3. Wait a second, did I read this right? The city hired their own attorney who in turn "cleared" Hughes of wrongdoing? What??? Will they "clear" themselves again this time around? How much money has the city spent "clearing" themselves this year?

  4. According to someone I know at city hall, it seems like all the problems with city hall employees began right after the city eliminated the Human Resources director position. Maybe they need to bring the position back? It also seems like all the problems started right after Hughes started working at city hall.

  5. Isn't it interesting how someone can post things anonymously whether or not he knows anything about anything?

  6. THat's a wierd comment anonymous 10:59. I am commenting on the article, what else do we have to go on? Do you know something we don't?

  7. Oh please. Like this is not Tingle's lawyer trying to drum up support for her loser of a case against the city.

  8. I doubt the attorney was walking the halls of city hall looking for business. Somehow I suspect the health administrator sought the attorney's help, not the other way around you idiot (anon 11:51).

  9. Really? The same attorney who brought a nothing claim against Hughes in his old job does the same thing here and now just happens to bring yet another claim against Hughes? A claim that bolsters the other case? Who is the idiot here?

  10. A claim against Hughes in "his old job"? Are you saying anon 12:36 that Hughes had problems at his last job too? Perhaps the problem here isn't the attorney.

  11. 12:36

    Try the City of Racine for hiring a City Administrator in the first place that is why I thought we had a Mayor for.
    Guess we have a Mayor to globe trot and perhaps oversee Racine fall into the Abyss. At least he will be able to take his train and leave us with much higher tax bills and far less jobs unless you are an attorney

  12. Colt-

    What are the facts of the case? What did the city do? Reprimend her? Fire her? Don't know. So why speculate on something you dont know. Its all hearsay. Until Ms. Grammer comes forward with her allegations we can say all we want but it wont mean a thing because none of us know.

  13. I suspect the complaint filed has more information than what the city attorney chose to give us. RacinePost, can you get a copy of the actual complaint?

  14. I want to know what anonymous 12:36 knows about a past suit against Hughes in his last job. He knows enough about it apparently to claim it's a 'nothing case". I guess I'd like more info on the case and make my own judgement.

  15. And you wonder why this city is a SH*THOLE???? Fire the bosses from the top down and then rebuild the company!!
