
October 29, 2008

Planned Parenthood asks McCain:
How much jail time if abortions again illegal?

Click above to view the ad

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin and The Winning Message Action Fund have started broadcasting their "How Much Time?" television ad, asking Republican presidential candidate John McCain to explain what will happen if abortion is again made a crime in states like Wisconsin.

"The McCain/Palin ticket has made clear it wants to criminalize abortion. But we know that banning abortions won't stop them, it will just make them extremely dangerous,” said Kelli Conlin, president of The Winning Message Action Fund. “We have questions Sen. McCain: will you stand by as states put women behind bars? As good doctors are forced to stop providing abortion care? If women are forced to return to back-alleys? What, John McCain, will you do then?"

Twenty-one states, including Wisconsin, are poised to ban abortion immediately if Roe is overturned. Wisconsin’s Criminal Abortion Statute outlaws abortion even when the health of a woman is at risk, and in cases of rape and incest. The statute provides criminal penalties for women and physicians that would be enforced immediately if Roe v. Wade were to be reversed.

"Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion law was passed when women couldn’t vote and families had no ability to control their childbearing decisions,” said Chris Taylor of Planned Parenthood Advocates “John McCain and Sarah Palin are out of touch with people’s lives, and want to go back to a time when women and families didn’t have any reproductive choices. Through our campaign, we will ask voters to consider the consequences of a McCain/Palin ticket, which will send us back to a time when women who had abortions and doctors who performed them were considered criminals.”

A series of polls including a February 2008 statewide poll of 500 likely voters conducted by Lake Research Partners and a May 2007 Mellman poll of 600 likely voters indicated a majority not only want to repeal Wisconsin’s antiquated Criminal Abortion Statute, but they would also vote against any legislator who opposed abortion and supported criminal penalties for women.

“The people of Wisconsin have spoken, and the message is loud and clear—they believe women and their doctors, not politicians and the government, should make these personal decisions about abortion,” said Taylor. “Abortion is a personal decision, not a criminal act, so we urge concerned citizens to join us in asking Sen. McCain this simple question: ‘How much time should a woman do for having an abortion?’”

The ad will begin running in Wisconsin this weekend on cable and broadcast television.

View the TV ad here
, or visit Planned Parenthood Advocates of Wisconsin online, or here to learn more about the How Much Time Campaign.


  1. Oh, buh-rother!

    Y'all just can't stay with reality, can you?

    Name one prolifer who has proposed jail time for the women. ONE. I dare you.

    You make this shit up to try to scare people. Just like y'all scared poor Rosie Jimenez to death.

  2. "Wisconsin’s 1849 criminal abortion law was passed when women couldn’t vote and families had no ability to control their childbearing decisions,”

    WRONG - It was passed when we still thought taking a human life was immoral and deserving of punishment.
