
October 8, 2008

McCain trumps local interview; polls go for Obama

Three new polls show Democrat Barack Obama opening up bigger leads over Republican John McCain in Wisconsin, even as the latter spends more time in the state.

McCain and his vice presidential running-mate Sarah Palin will be campaigning together in Waukesha Thursday morning, before she then goes off to Ohio and he to Mosinee near Wausau. McCain will stay in the state overnight, holding a rally in La Crosse Friday morning.

Sometime Thursday, McCain will be interviewed by Charlie Gibson of ABC-TV's World News, who is broadcasting the 5:30 national news program from Racine. At least that's what we hear from Doug Nicholson, owner of the Ivanhoe Pub, who was scheduled to be interviewed by Gibson ... but has now been cancelled in favor of the presidential candidate himself. Oh, well. Doug tells us the McCain interview will take place in Milwaukee ... so no return engagement in Racine for McCain this time.

And now the three polls, all of which come up with a 10-point lead for Obama:

The WISC-TV poll, conducted Sunday and Monday, shows Obama 51% of the likely vote to McCain's 41%.

The Rasmussen Reports
telephone survey puts the race at 54% to 44%.

SurveyUSA's poll for WGBA-TV in Green Bay has it 52% to 42%, with Obama leading everywhere except Greater Milwaukee and among Pro-Life voters.


  1. Hip hip hooray!

  2. Yeah, and Dewey beat Truman.

  3. McCain knows he's not welcome here!

  4. Great, we don't need to foot the security bill for a washed up, tired, lying old man.

  5. has some of the commentary from Todd Palin's deposition in regards to Sarah and Todd's Troopergate problems in Alaskan.

    She obviously wasnt' vetted by the McCain camp. The final report comes out tomorrow.
