
October 5, 2008

The city's case against Sandra Tingle

Without judgment (other than to say it makes for interesting reading), here's the city's case for firing Mayor Gary Becker's secretary, Sandra Tingle.


  1. double ouch!
    Well at least we know "most"of the story now...wonder why the JT has not put the pdf up on their web site as of yet...good job guys in posting it for all to read.

  2. We don't have most of the story yet, we need the first half - the complaint from Tingle. This is only half of the story and I find it hard to believe, sounds like a lot of garbage.

  3. it is rather one sided. the mayor seems way too innocent for his personality.....

  4. Telling lies like sick days is not very difficult for Mrs Tingle. If her claims about sexual harassment are to be taken seriously then god help anyone who actually tried to kiss her or even look at her the wrong way. This is a women scorned who did not get her own way

  5. I dealt with Sandra Tingle on a professional level - and I must say she was always extremely professional and proficient and did her job very well. She helped me on a number of occasions and she was excellent - she followed up with me when it was not expected and went way and beyond normal expectations.

  6. "I dealt with Sandra Tingle on a professional level - and I must say she was always extremely professional and proficient and did her job very well. She helped me on a number of occasions and she was excellent - she followed up with me when it was not expected and went way and beyond normal expectations."

    I know Sandra Tingle perhaps better than anybody, and I don't think she actually "harassed" the ex-mayor. But I wouldn't underestimate her sexual prowess! She's very good at covering her tracks and looking like an angel, but somewhere deeep in those eyes lay the truth.

    The previous post, would be a shining example. There's a very good chance she's the one that wrote it. At least I'd say that if a wager was involved, odd's would be against the house!

    She can be very nice, but when men or infidelity are concerned she's like a venus fly trap! Trust me, I know.

  7. Forgot to mention, she would be a GREAT interview! ;o)

  8. This is the type of person who has the most skeletons in there closet. I have noticed her house for sale and she got a settlement for a large amount, then she up and vanished away from here, god help the next town she sinks her claws into.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Ok enough, she got her "15 minutes of fame" you all are stroking her ego by writing this crap, she's gone, Becker's gone, and all is right for now in Racine.

  11. It's odd that certain peoples comments get deleted because they must of offended her. This is just case proven how pathetic and callus she really is. Good riddance to bad garbage in our town. I'm glad she moved and ran away with her money. I do feel bad for the next town who has to deal with the snobby bitch she really was/is. Please Mrs. Tingle do not ever return to Racine let alone Wisconsin again. We have enough crazy people that live here, no need to add a soon to be black widow to the collection
