
October 19, 2008

Child porn arrest turns up list of local girls' names...

It's every parent's nightmare:

Hundreds of Racine and Mount Pleasant families will be receiving an unsettling letter from local law enforcement officials -- a letter saying their daughters' names, birth dates and addresses were found in the home of a man arrested on Oct. 11 for possession of child pornography.

The letter, available here (it's a large .pdf file; be patient), from Racine County District Attorney Michael Nieskes, Racine Police Chief Kurt Wahlen and Village of Mount Pleasant Chief Tomothy Zarzecki says, "We have no evidence that any crime has been committed against your child." The girls' names were on alphabetized, hand-written lists found in the home of Steven L. Marcsis, 39, of Mount Pleasant.

The lists "appear to center around girls who are involved in youth sports, dance, and gymnastics dating back to the 1980s. The list appears not to be recently made and there is no indication on the list that Mr. Marcsis has ever made any sort of actual contact with a child on the list," Nieskes' letter says. "However, your child's name does appear on the list."

Marcsis was arrested after 1 a.m. on Oct. 11 when he was found hiding in a dumpster outside Dr. Jones Elementary School, with a camera that had lewd photos. He reportedly told officers he had more than 100 pornographic pictures of children on his home computer, and when they searched his home they found some -- he is charged with 15 counts of Child Pornography for pictures downloaded from the internet -- and the lists of local girls' names.

Nieskes and the police chiefs are asking the parents to speak with their children and contact the police "if there is any need for further investigation by the police departments... if you have a belief that your child has had contact with Steven Marcsis."

The Journal Times has more here. Marcsis' original arrest story is here.


  1. Thank God for the thoroughness of the Mt. Pleasant P.D.!

  2. Acutally, thanks should go to Racine PD, they caught him. Mt. Pleasant searched his house since he lives in Lake Park, Mt. Pleasant. May he rot in hell.

  3. People that are into this kind of stuff are sick and should be put in jail for life. When they get out of prison, the temptation will still be there, and they will eventually act on it again. I wish they would lock them up for life.
