
October 10, 2008

Super School Star! Luigi Enriquez

Ask a teacher at Starbuck Middle School, and they'll probably know Luigi Enriquez.

The eighth-grader from Racine is involved in several programs, plays several instruments, gets great grades and, above all, is a really nice person, according to school officials. He's also RacinePost's newest "Super School Star."

"Everybody knows Luigi," said Sandra Brandt, principal of Starbuck.

Mrs. Kapralian and Luigi Enriquez

Beth Kapralian, a music teacher at Starbuck, nominated Luigi for a Super School Star Award.

Here's what she wrote:
"Luigi is an outstanding musician and student. He is extremely polite and courteous to peers and staff. He has been involved in orchestra, jazz band, peer mediators, study buddies, media team, engineering expo (I'm sure I am leaving things out!) to name a few.

He is very helpful to peers and staff and is willing to go the extra mile and always with a cheerful attitude.

He will be a success in whatever path he chooses in life."
Congratulations to Luigi, and many thanks to Mrs. Kapralian and Mrs. Brandt.

Have someone you would like to nominate? Send us an email at: All you need is a paragraph introducing the person you feel is a Super School Star and a contact number so we can follow up with you. We'll write up a story about award winners, take their picture and give them a certificate. The more the better ... we hope to run them throughout the school year.

1 comment:

  1. Another great story! I'm SO glad this newspaper looks at kids who are actually achieving academically and - GULP - might be on the chess team. It is about time that attention is paid to students other than the ones who score touchdowns or throw a ball through an elevated hole.
