September 29, 2008
Super School Star! Kathie Hobbs
"Kathie Hobbs is the most organized, knowledgeable, efficient secretary I have worked with," wrote Pam Wolff in her nomination of Hobbs for a Super School Star Award. Hobbs and Wolff both work for North Park Elementary School in Caledonia.
"The school could not function without her. She knows all the teachers, students, and parents. She can answer any question, find any item or info, and make it look easy. She manages to keep the office clean and germ free every day. She is never flustered, even when the rest of us are."
Wolff, who has worked for two other schools, added this final comment about Hobbs:
"Kathy is truly our school's heart and soul. She doesn't get recognized nearly enough."
RacinePost's "Super School Star Award" honors positive and uplifting stories from our community's schools. It's open to any student, teacher, staff, administrator or anyone else associated with our schools.
Have someone you would like to nominate? Send us an email at: All you need is a paragraph introducing the person you feel is a Super School Star and a contact number so we can follow up with you. We'll write up a story about award winners, take their picture and give them a certificate. The more the better ... we hope to run them throughout the school year.
I'm glad my comment made you crop the photo. As a professional, you should have seen that for yourself. You can post a thank you at any time. You are welcome in advance. I am thrilled that I have contributed something positive to this site.