
September 11, 2008

Ryan wants Congressional energy action:
Drilling, refineries, nuclear and alternative energy

Just as we've been wondering why Sen. Herb Kohl, D-WI, is so exercised about untaxed cigarettes and the price of text messaging while the world is collapsing -- along comes Rep. Paul Ryan urging action on a real issue: energy.

With reports that the House Majority will bring an energy package to the floor next week, Ryan, R-WI, 1st District, encouraged swift action "on meaningful energy legislation."

For those who watched the Republican presidential convention last week, we think Ryan's definition includes "drill, drill, drill." Ryan's press release notes: "It remains unclear whether the House Majority’s proposal would allow for drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf, but it appears that their package would permanently lock up American energy in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and the Inter-Mountain Region." That's not good, he implies. Ryan also wants action to build new refineries and nuclear power plants.

Congress adjourns on Sept. 26, so don't get your hopes up.

Ryan strongly supports H.R. 6566, the so-called American Energy Act, "which takes an all-of-the-above approach to our energy crisis." It allows "environmentally-sound domestic drilling, streamlines the permit process for new refineries, boosts incentives for conservation and energy efficiency, and promotes the use of renewable and alternative energy," he says.

Ryan issued the following statement:

“Congress must tackle our energy crisis before calling it quits for the year. With record home heating costs expected to hit Americans hard this winter, the energy crisis will continue to wreck havoc on our economy. Those I serve in Wisconsin’s First Congressional District have seen their paychecks eliminated from job losses in energy-intensive industries, while all Americans have had their paychecks stretched to limit by higher energy costs. Enough is enough.

“At a time when we send $1.5 billion a day to countries that are hostile to our interests, we must reduce our dependence on foreign oil. The American Energy Act represents a clear path toward a coherent energy policy that takes seriously our energy crisis. This bipartisan, comprehensive energy package would give our children a safer world, a stronger economy, and a cleaner environment. It is my hope that Republicans and Democrats can work together to address our nation’s most pressing energy concerns before the close of the 110th Congress.”


  1. All of this begs the question: WHERE in the heck has Rep. Ryan been for the last four years, or eight years or however long he's been in Congress?? This "born again" energy awareness of his is patently phony.

  2. I see someone forget their meds....

  3. "the so-called American Energy Act," got to love the unbiased reporting of the Post.
    Of course we can just wish for more free energy and it will just show up!
