
September 3, 2008

Crime-fighting: Federal funds ... or sand?

Crime: What to do about it? Here are two approaches.

1. Sen. Herb Kohl will announce a federal grant for the Kenosha Sheriff's Department at 10:30 a.m. today, funds for improved technology in squad cars "to help officers fight crime and improve road safety." We have no idea how much money is involved, or exactly what the funds are for (in-squad video cameras? seat belts?). Kohl, the sheriff and other officials will hold a press conference at 10:30 a.m. at Fabiano Park, at 818 12th St. to make it all clear. "The resources are being made available this year as Kenosha police have been combating an increase in gang-related and violent incidents in the city," Kohl's press release stated. UPDATE: See below.

Yes, we'll be churlish and wonder whether Kohl has followed crime statistics here in Racine...

2. But, of course, Bloggers notice yet another approach to crime. Along with links to short stories in two MSM outlets about a Kenosha "initiative to combat increasing gang activity and violence," a veritable "crackdown" that already has led to a dozen arrests, blogger OrbsCorbs, writing on the JT Irregulars site, notes:
Meanwhile, authorities in Racine have decided to step up their anti-crime efforts with the announcement that additional sand will be trucked into Monument Square this Friday for local politicians and civic leaders to stick their heads into.

"We're not quitting until we don't see a damn thing!" declared one city official.
Ah, a sense of humor while the bullets fly.

UPDATE: Here's what Kohl brought Kenosha: $178,600 for the Kenosha Sheriff's Department. As I guessed above, the funds "will assist with the installation of digital cameras in police vehicles that will be used in evidence gathering and as a deterrent for street crime."

Kohl said: "This summer has been a tough one for the people of Kenosha, and a reminder that our police officers need every advantage they can get to do their jobs and keep the peace. With these funds, the Sheriff’s Department will be able to upgrade the technology they use to gather evidence to catch criminals and protect ordinary, law-abiding citizens.”

Specifically, the federal funds will enable the department to purchase and install 38 video cameras in all of its police squad units. On May 16, 2007, a Kenosha deputy was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop. "This tragic event highlights an important function of in-car video cameras – to gather evidence. In this case, thanks to tips from residents and great police work, a suspect was taken into custody. However, had the deputy’s vehicle been equipped with an in-car digital camera, it would have served as a safeguard to ensure that the perpetrator could be identified, shed light on what happened at the scene, and serve as irrefutable evidence when the perpetrator is charged with killing the officer," Kohl said.


  1. OrbsCorbs is a hot headed jerk. He left Becker's blogger meeting in a huff after loudly yelling at a Dominican sister. He tried to sell that same line about the Police telling him to hide at that meeting.

  2. He is hotheaded.

    When will we hear about funds for Racine, achieved by the grant writer the Mayor hired. I am NOT against grant writers, I am against unqualified grant writers.

  3. I think it is easy to become agitated when you have tried all of the appropriate avenues to problem solve and you are told there is "no hope," "there is nothing wrong to begin with," or you are the one taken to task for pointing out the problems.

    You may not agree with with his statements, but I tend to buy it. I've been basically told the same thing by our "men who serve and protect."

    The question remains. Do we or do we not have a crime problem in Racine?

  4. Why can't Orbs post rebuttals here? Why are comments on the Racine Post allowed to call Orbs a fat ass and a jerk, but he is not allowed to post? Indeed, why are you referencing one of his blogs if you will not allow him to comment here?

  5. Sheriff,

    He's perfectly able to comment here, but his last comment offended me.

    Here's what he wrote: "Hey, that nun was putting some moves on me!"

    I was at Becker's blogger meeting, and anonymous above described what transpired accurately. OrbsCorbs'comment is both untrue and nasty

    My suggestion: If you must call each other names and be disrespectful of a Dominican Sister, for Heaven's sake, go somewhere else to do it. We work too hard at this site to let it become the hatefest some others have turned into.

  6. Pete, it was meant as a joke. I think that's obvious. How is it that you got the joke about the sand but not about the nun? Are your biases showing?

    I have no intention of helping to turn this or any place into a hatefest. In fact, as you very well know, I have avoided posting here because of a previous run-in that we had. I do not want to stir up trouble or controversy or the truth or whatever it is tht you're trying to avoid here, yet you post a blog referencing me and then you allow denigrating comments about me while deleting my comments. What is wrong with you?

    Don't give me that poor Dominican Sisters act, either. I spent 12 years in school with them. I also was present when they enabled, hid, and lied for a pederast priest I had personal contact with. Everyone who attended St. Cat's at a certain period of time knows what I'm talking about. Their cries for "social justice" obviously are not meant for their own religion or order. That was the only problem I had at the mayor's meeting with the bloggers - I'd rather sit next to Satan himself than one of those hypocrites.

    But that's right, you're not from Racine, are you? Another outlander come here to tell lifelong residents how to run their city.
