
July 28, 2008

UW-Parkside students from Racine receive Sentry Scholarships

Here's some good news for two Racine students at UW-Parkside:

University of Wisconsin-Parkside students Janell Topczewski, 706 Hialeah Dr., a sophomore; and incoming freshman Brian Sasaki, 530 Hayes Ave., have earned Sentry Insurance Student Leadership Scholarships. Given by the Sentry Insurance Foundation, Inc., the philanthropic arm of Sentry Insurance, headquartered in Steven Point, Wis., the scholarships are worth $2,500 each. Topczewski and Sasaki can renew them for up to four years.

The Student Leadership Scholarship helps provide educational opportunities for students majoring in business administration, computer science, accounting, finance, or mathematics (actuarial science). To renew her scholarship, Topczewski, who is majoring in business with a concentration in finance, maintained a grade point average of 3.3 or above on a 4.0 scale and continues to pursue a degree in business. Sasaki will major in business. To be considered for the scholarship, incoming freshmen must place in the top 15 percent of their high school graduating class. They also must have a significant record of involvement in extracurricular and community activities that indicate outstanding leadership potential.

"We are glad to be a partner with the University of Wisconsin-Parkside in providing an opportunity for young people to achieve their educational goals," said Peg Sullivan, Sentry Insurance Foundation Vice President and Executive Director.

UW-Parkside is one of a dozen universities whose students benefit from The Sentry Insurance Foundation’s generous support of higher education.

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