
July 22, 2008

Rep. Vos raises $83K for re-election

State Rep. Robin Vos is off to a nice start in his bid for re-election. He's raised $83,538 for the fall race against Linda Flashinksi. It's hard to say how much money Vos will need to hold the seat. It's a Republican-leaning district and Vos is formidable. But Flashinski has some name recognition from her time with Unified and no doubt Democrats will be gunning for Vos, who is already one of the party's top leaders. In a political year that seems to be leaning Democrat (though there's a long way to go) Vos will need every penny to hold on to his seat. It could get real rough if business money in favor of KRM gets in the mix

Flashinski reported Monday that she's collected $12,956, and has spent $2,608.

Here's Vos' statement:


RACINE - A campaign finance report filed yesterday with Wisconsin's Government Accountability Board revealed that Rep. Robin Vos (R-Caledonia) was successful in raising $83,538 to aid him in his bid for reelection to the State Assembly this fall.

"I'm thankful for the overwhelming support I've received from the people in Racine County," said Vos. "Representing their interests in Madison is the best part of my job."

Rep. Vos noted the importance of gathering the majority of his support from those who vote for him. A Racine Journal Times article reported earlier this year that, compared to all other Racine County state representatives and senators, Robin raises the least amount in out-of-state contributions.

He remarked: "I've always made it a point to run a very grassroots campaign. In 2006, we knocked on every door. This year, alone, we've knocked on more than 5000 doors, and it's our intent to visit every house again before the general election."

Robin explained that during the month of June, as he was collecting enough signatures to have his name placed on the fall ballot, over 100 people volunteered to help him circulate his nomination papers. These volunteers were successful in collecting over 1500 signatures, reportedly the most collected by anyone in the state.

Rep. Vos also prides himself on his accessibility. He calls most constituents back personally to better understand the issues that are of concern to them. In the last legislative session, Vos made more than 3,000 phone calls his constituents. He said it makes no difference if they call, email, or write, he calls them back to assure his constituents that their communications to his office are heard.

"My accessibility is a key component in my ability to gather the support of the community," said Vos. "Because I go door to door, and spend hours on the phone with constituents, I know what the most important issues are to them."

Vos indicated the most frequently-heard concerns right now relate to people's uneasiness about the lagging economy. He also hears complaints every day about Wisconsin's high tax burden, the need to create more high-paying jobs, concerns about accessibility to quality, affordable health care, and the need to have a strong education system in Racine.

The fall election is scheduled for November 4th. Vos is being challenged by Linda Flashinski, the former president of the Racine Unified School Board, and a Caledonia democrat.

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