
July 4, 2008

Racine's FourthFest Parade: Outstanding!

The crowds cheered whenever soldiers or the flag passed by...

Horlick High's pom-pon squad

Was he really as tall as the Monument?

Trumpeter from the Lighthouse Brigade

Modine's hydrogen fuel cell-powered float...

It was elephant-powered as well...

A colorful reminder: Dragon Boat races are coming soon!

Too many battles to remember, too many soldiers to mourn...

Iwo Jima


The Revolution

Women fought and died in Vietnam, too

A few of the parade celebrities...

Mayor Gary Becker and Mayor Hector Alveraz Conteras
of Zapotlanejo, Mexico, our new sister city

FourthFest President Jim Deibler, and Make-a-Wish child

Parade Marshal, Marcus Hanel of the Brewers

Laura Kuzia, Miss Racine

Racine's own, Briana Lipor

And here are some more photos ... just click on the picture below for a slideshow.

Racine's Fourth of July Parade

And finally, some pictures of kids enjoying the parade are HERE.


  1. Great pictures and slide show to relive the parade. Thanks.

  2. Mr. Selkowe's photos are outstanding, as usual.

  3. You're too kind. But thank you.
