
June 26, 2008

New C.O.P. House opens on Villa Street July 1

The Racine Police Department will celebrate the opening of its newest Community Oriented Policing House on July 1 at 5 p.m. There will be a short ceremony followed by refreshments and tours.

This latest C.O.P. House involved the efforts of The Community Outpost, Neighborhood Housing Services, The Racine Police Department, and several contractors.

The new house is located at 1146 Villa St, at the northwest corner of 12th and Villa Streets. On March 13 the walls were delivered to the site and the house began its transformation from two empty lots to the two-story, four bedroom, three-bathroom house there today.

As with all of the C.O.P. houses, this one will have a conference room and several bedrooms, converted to offices. A Racine Police Officer assigned to the house will be headquartered there, working with neighborhood residents to address local needs and providing a positive image for the Department.

Typically, Department of Correction Probation & Parole officers maintain an office and meet their clients in the C.O.P House, and the Gang Diversion Task Force will occupy some space. Additionally, the oversized garage is set up as a conference room.

The hope is that the C.O.P. House will lead to a reduction in crime in that area, and enough confidence in the neighborhood that more investment by homeowners and landlords will follow; thereby improving the quality of life for the individual residents as well as the neighborhood as a whole. This program has been a success since its inception in late 1993. This C.O.P. House will replace the house currently located at 1009 Davis Place.

Across the street: St. Catherine's H.S.


  1. Simply put, this house was built ONLY because St Cats cried and threatened to leave its current historic location and build out in the county if something wasn't done. In addition, several high ranking Racine Police officials (and I believe the Mayor also) have children that go to St. Cats. Nothing like protecting your own!! The good Ol' boy system is alive and well in Racine, YEEEHAWWWW!!!

    Now tell me how much money you parents pay, and the taxes you pay, and that you deserve perks like this...BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Some of us refuse to be fooled by sneaky political scams.

  2. Ain't that the truth! They are selling the COP house at davis & 10th because they feel the area is better now? We neede them at 10th sreet more than across from the high school. Way to go Mayor & RPD.
    It's all about taking care of their own. St cats move? yea right, nice bluff.

  3. Having a C.O.P. House in this area is a good thing. It's a plus for the entire neighborhood.

    Bloggers, please make sure you know the facts before you speak.

    Your ignorance is showing.

    1. Yep cop houses real effective when the city started rioting

  4. This COP house will be about as effective as the 10 defective police surveillance cameras located around the city. When will Racine wake-up and get rid of this idiot police chief? Wahlen is the Tom Hicks of the police department. There are many reasons why Wahlen was passed over for the job in 2001. He obviously hasn't gained any brains since then.

  5. Anonymous 1:39, Do you live in that area? Or do you believe all the bullshit handed to you about how great a COP house is? Get your facts straight before you speak!

  6. cop house did a great job the week it was opened somebody was severely beaten right in the street next to the house
