The City of Racine’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department will open North and Zoo Beaches for the season on Saturday, June 7, 2008.
North Beach will be guarded seven days a week 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Zoo Beach will only be guarded Saturdays and Sunday’s from 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
To help guarantee a safe beach and swim area for you and others we ask your cooperation by observing the following rules:
1. No motor boats, wind surfers, or floating devices in the protected area. For example, water wings, inner tubes, rafts, etc.
2. Please do not block the area in front of the lifeguard chairs, boats, or rescue boards. Your interference could hamper our effectiveness for a rescue.
3. Swim only in the protected area. Lifeguards may restrict the swimming area for your safety when hazardous conditions are present.
While you are on the beach and in the park area, there are several ordinances you should be aware of. The following are prohibited in the park and/or beach area.
1. Alcoholic beverages;
2. Motorized vehicles on beach;
3. Glass containers on the beach;
4. Fire on beach; and
5. Dogs or any pets in park and beach area.
Your cooperation in following the above will be appreciated by lifeguards and others on the beach. When you desire to know the water conditions at North Beach, please call the beach recording at 636-9233.
We look forward to having a safe and enjoyable summer with your help.
Should you need any additional information, please call Ray Hammermann at 636-9454 or James Wilson at 636-9445.
June 4, 2008
City beaches open Saturday
Here's a note from the city on beaches opening this Saturday. Weather looks OK for the weekend with temperatures in the 80s, but storms in the forecast.
Isn't there a beach in Racine in which dogs are allowed?