
May 13, 2008

Wilbur's BBQ on Sixth Street is NOT closing

No matter what you've been hearing, Wilbur's BBQ on Sixth Street is NOT closing. Let's repeat that: Wilbur's is not closing. 

"I don't know where it's coming from, but it's not coming from me," said Wilbur Jones, owner of the restaurant. 

In an interview Tuesday, Jones said he's been hearing the same rumors about his restaurant's demise. Other people are saying that he's going to close Viper's on High Street, too. Jones said both businesses will keep going. 

"People have been saying I'm closing since I opened, " Jones said. "If people stopped coming because they thought I was closed, then I guess I'd have to close." 

Construction on Sixth Street has hurt his BBQ business, but they've opened an entrance on Seventh Street and continue to serve food. Jones took out the buffet for now, but will bring it back once the construction finishes up in June. He's also planning on bringing back Sunday dinner in June. 

"No, I'm not doing OK," said Jones, acknowledging that the Sixth Street work has slowed business the past two months. "But it's only a couple more weeks and we should be back to normal."  

Wilbur's is located at 515 6th St. in Downtown Racine. Jones also runs a catering business out of the restaurant. You can call Wilbur's at: (262) 633-8416.  


  1. Wilbur, after a Saturday night disrespectful showing your bar, Viper's, gives to its neighbors; do they see you go to church in a suit with your Bible under your arm the following Sunday morning?

  2. They're not closing??????

    I guess they just aren't opening?

  3. The restaurant needs to close. His food sucks.
