
May 20, 2008

New two-way streets will cost at least $19,000

It'll cost the city $19,000 to study turning Marquette Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive into two-way streets, an official said at Monday's Traffic Commission meeting.

John Rooney, the city's assistant engineer, said the study may just be the start of the cost. Converting the one-way streets to two ways may require construction that could run the bill into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

None of the costs are budgeted, so any change would mean finding money in the city budget - not an easy task these days.

Mayor Gary Becker asked the commission to consider the idea.

The commission voted unanimously to defer action. Commissioner of Public Works Rick Jones said he would meet with the mayor to talk more about the idea.

STOP SIGN: There won't be new stop signs at Carlton Drive and La Salle Street, but a homeowner may be pulling their pruning shears out soon.

A city study found no reason to add stop signs at the intersection, Rooney said. There were eight accidents at La Salle and Carlton in the past five years, well below a level of concern. Traffic levels were also too low to warrant new stop signs, Rooney said.

The city studied the issue after a complaint from Terry Martini, who lives in the neighborhood. Alderman Ray DeHahn, who represents the area, agreed with the study's findings.

The only change out of the report involved a shrub. One of the homes had a shrub that was more than 30 inches above the curb level - technically a violation of city code. The city will require the homeowner to prune the shrub.

WARNING LIGHTS: The city will review flashing lights near the police and fire departments to make sure they alert traffic when emergency vehicles are leaving for scenes. Alderman Robert Mozol raised the concern. The commission deferred action until they could contact the fire chief.

STOP SIGN II: Alderman Bob Anderson wanted the commission to consider a four-way stop at 18th and Villa streets. The intersection doesn't warrant the four-way stop, but Anderson hoped it could demonstrate to neighborhood residents that the city is responsive to their concerns. The commission denied the request, but agreed to ask police to post the speed limit trailer in the neighborhood.

Traffic Commission: Commission members Alderman Greg Helding, Jones, Assistant City Attorney Nicole Loop, Lt. James Dobbs and Charles French attended the meeting. Chairman Martin DeFatte didn't attend. Dobbs ran the meeting.


  1. Brilliant idea guys. I'm sure this will be just as successful as the Mohr Avenue redirection project. Thanks traffic commission for wasting more taxpayer money.

  2. Mozol is an idiot.

  3. Anyone who has faced the traffic commission knows the engineers of the City of Racine are one way only - their way. Mayor Becker, hold your ground.
