
May 14, 2008

Horlick principal retiring

Horlick Principal Nola Starling-Ratliff is retiring at the end of the year. She's leaving the district after heading Horlick since 1993. Here's Starling-Ratliff's bio on the website for Viterbo University, where she serves on the board:
Since 1993, Starling-Ratliff has been the principal of Horlick High School in Racine. Prior to that, she spent two years as principal of Hamilton High School in Sussex. Starling-Ratliff graduated from Viterbo College in 1974 with a degree in music education and voice minor. She went on to receive a Master of Science degree in Administrative Leadership from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1982.

Starling-Ratliff has been associated with many civic organizations including the Racine Black Caucus and the Racine Alliance of Black School Educators. She was also a member of the Racine Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Committee. In 1997, Starling-Ratliff received the Viterbo Outstanding Alumni Award for exemplary service to her community.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Is there a Racine White Caucus and a Racine Alliance of White School Educators?

  3. No, a "Racine White Caucus" and a "Racine Alliance of White School Educators" would be racist organizations. Black and/or hispanic ones are ok though. I'm sure membership to the black/hispanic associations are open to everyone too.

  4. I’d like to personally thank Horlick Principal Nola S-R. While attending orientation at Horlick, she told the crowd of several hundred "Don't send your kids to private schools, it's a waste of money"
    That hateful comment was enough to open enroll my kids out of Horlick and out of Unified. Best thing we ever did. So thanks Nola, you waste of taxpayer money.

  5. Nola was my choir teacher at Fratt in the 70's. She was tough but fair. We were going thru desegregation at the time and it was very confusing to kids our age. I think she's a fine example of what teachers should be like and god bless her for standing by her beliefs. By the way "anonymous", I am a 45 yr old white female.

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  7. Thank god!!! The teachers and staff are going to have a HUGE "don't let the door hit ya in the *** when ya leave" party.
