
May 12, 2008

Got any doggie underpants?

One of the more interesting phenomena spawned by the internet are swap sites, where people with an extra this or that offer it for free to the first person to pick it up. And people who want something post their wishlist in the hope that someone will provide.

And often it comes to pass.

Racine's happenin' place for this sort of thing is RacineFreecycle, a version of which exists thanks to Yahoo in many, many cities. Membership is free; just follow the link and sign up. You can receive e-mails as soon as they are sent, or in the digest version once a day (A word to the wise: The digest won't clog your inbox as much as individuals messages will, but most of the good stuff will be gone long before you hear of it).

Today's digest is fairly typical: Offered are a couch, a fertilizer spreader, a portable dishwasher, a rug shampooer. Meanwhile, people are asking for stuff like a computer desk, a start-up disk for a computer game, a working cordless drill. "Michelle" asks for a mobility scooter for her husband, an amputee. "Megan" writes: "My husband bought me a puppy for Mother's Day, I need a medium size or small size puppy crate home for sleeping at night. Thanks."

And then there are the more unusual requests. Anybody got a deer hide lying around? "Ladysqueak313" writes: "My daughter wants to make a medicine bag and needs some tanned deer hide."

My favorite of the day: Dog underpants! "Goodnight_ansela" writes: "My mom's watching her boyfriend's dog. I should say she just went into heat so she needs some dog underpants so she doesn't make a mess. Does anyone have any of these? She's beagle size... maybe a little bit smaller, not much. PLEASE!!! We need these asap!"

Boxers or briefs?

1 comment:

  1. Ugh I saw that last night, it made me laugh but also feel like throwing up.
    Freecycle is great, but some people treat it like a Christmas list.
