
May 14, 2008

Dem primary candidate wades into foreign policy

Marge Krupp, one of four Dems running to challenge Paul Ryan in the fall, issued a statement calling for more U.S. aid to Myanmar following the tragic cyclone in the southeast Asian country. Krupp has reportedly raised $85,000 in her bid to challenge Ryan in the fall. She's running the First Congressional District primary against perennial nominee Jeff Thomas, plus Paulette Garin and Mike Hebert.

Here's Krupp's statement on Myanmar:
Krupp Calls For More U.S. Help in Myanmar
The world wants to see the United States lead again, it is now time for the United States to act and to provide that leadership

PLEASANT PRAIRIE, Wisconsin -- With a reported death toll of more than 34,000 and as many as 100,000 suspected to have perished as a result of Saturday's deadly cyclone, Marge Krupp is calling on more pressure from the U.S. government to allow relief workers to enter the Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar. Myanmar's military regime has barred large-scale relief efforts, and at press, the United Nations is reporting that less than a quarter of the nation's affected are having their issues met. Without proper attention from experts trained in responding to natural disasters of this kind, the death toll is expected to climb rapidly.

Krupp, Democratic Candidate for Wisconsin's First Congressional District criticized the sluggish relief response by the U.S., "The lessons learned from the tragically slow response to Hurricane Katrina in our own nation should be applied to what could amount to a regional refugee crisis in Southeast Asia." Krupp also called on more pressure to be applied by Washington on Myanmar's military dictatorship, "The time to act is now."

Joint communication and aid in the form of relief workers and supplies between the U.S. and Myanmar could avert the possibility of more deaths and a flood of refugees to surrounding nations.

Marge Krupp is a highly qualified Democratic candidate for Congress who will fight to end the war in Iraq, strongly support working families and work hard to ensure a more peaceful and prosperous world. For more information, please visit her web site at

1 comment:

  1. Somebody might want to tell her that they(Burma) are not letting in aid into the country and the UN has said that unless thing change on the ground they (the UN)will quit sending anymore aid.
    That aid on the ground dow is being seized by the Army troops.
