
April 21, 2008

McReynolds to hold "office hours" west of the I

After five years as Racine County Executive, Bill McReynolds has discovered west of the I.

McReynolds announced today that he will begin holding "office hours" sessions -- the quotes are his -- in municipalities in the western part of the county.

Quote: "Some of the most dynamic growth in the county is happening west of I-94. It's important for all our people to know that county government is here to serve them and that it's easily accessible to them."

Mac said he will try to hold office hours in each municipality in the western part of the county at least once a year. No appointments will be necessary. "I always try to make myself available to county residents; this will make it a little easier for them," he said.

Mac's first session will be on Wednesday, May 7, from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Norway Town Hall, 6419 Heg Park Road, Wind Lake. Accompanying him will be several members of his staff as well as Racine County Register of Deeds Jim Ladwig.

Mac says he'll visit one municipality a month, usually during the first week of the month.


  1. What a dumb 1st line of the story....showing your true colors...not unlike the RJT.

    Now, I think Mac is an idiot...but to say that he is first discovering the west end is asanine. He lived on the west end most of his life, goes to Town/Village meetings on a regular basis.

    Why don't you guys discover the truth.

  2. Yeah I had to reread that first line too. Obviously the reporter who wrote this does not care for McReynolds but does he need to be that blatant about it?

  3. Pete, it is apparent that the reason you got fired from the jt is that you have no idea what goes on in Racine County. McReynolds, lived on the westend and if you'd check the election results has very strong support on the westend.

  4. Pete, it looks like you have been found out by the people as out of touch. That most be the reason you got asked to leave the jt. McReynolds, can't be beat as county executive, because of his strong connection with the westend.

  5. Commenters,

    Rest assured we know that Mac's political stronghold is west of the Interstate (actually, west of the city of Racine's borders). He's politically safe in Racine County for as long as he wants to be. If Burlington would have been included in the Senate district, we'd definitely be talking about Sen. McReynolds). I'd go so far to say that if Paul Ryan ever leaves, McReynolds may be a solid candidate for Congress. Love or hate Mac, he you have to admit he's a very, very competent local politician.

  6. think he is a competent local politician? In what respect? As far as I can tell he's been talking for along time and not much has changed.
