
April 1, 2008

Incumbents take two seats in Mount Pleasant; Caledonia incumbents survive

Results are coming in faster now ...

* Two incumbents on the Mount Pleasant Village Board were re-elected. Long-time board member Ken Flones and John Hewitt were re-elected. Challenger Harry Manning received the most votes; he was an outspoken critic of the current board.

* Caledonia Village Board incumbents Wendy McCalvy and Gale Morgan were re-elected - barely. McCalvy beat challenger (and blogger) Kathy Burton by 40 votes. Morgan defeated Matthew Schmidt by 162 votes.

* All of Sturtevant's incumbents were re-elected. Interesting to see Allan Acker back on the ballot ... voters weren't interested in putting the former village president back on the board.

* John Wisch was elected to a full two-year term on the County Board. He defeated Melissa Taylor 660-559. Their district is located in Caledonia.


  1. Excuse me - who is Gale Norton? Gale Morgan (male) is a trustee in Caledonia.

  2. Sorry! Thanks for the correction.
