
March 14, 2008

Our new rep on the Miller Park board: Robert Henzl

As legislators continue to fight over the Miller Park stadium tax -- supposed to expire in 2014, but nobody's betting on that happening (and, in fact, there's already talk of extending it to 2017)-- Gov. Jim Doyle today named four new members to the Miller Park stadium district board.

Robert Henzl, president of the Racine law firm Hostak, Henzl & Bichler, S.C. was named the new Racine County member of the board, replacing Lisa Neubauer, whom Doyle recently swore in as an appellate court judge.

Henzl, a graduate of Marquette University Law School, specializes in real estate, estate planning and business and corporate law. Campaign finance records show he has donated $3,200 to Democratic candidates since 2002 -- Feingold, Gwen Moore, John Kerry and the state Democratic Party were the recipients, with nothing going directly to Doyle. He was also listed in the fall of 2007 "as a key endorser of the Concept of Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee Commuter Rail." The magazine Super Lawyers named him one of Wisconsin's top lawyers in 2006 and 2007.

Doyle, who can appoint six members of the 13-member stadium board, also named Michael Miller as Washington County representative, Mequon mayor Christine Nuernberg as the new Ozaukee County appointee, and current board chairman Jay Williams, an at-large member, to replace David Spano as Waukesha County representative.


  1. Couldn't not have made a better choice. This guy is really good.

  2. I hope Bob knows his financials as well as the law. Without reviewing the long and short range projections of cash flow, he along with the rest of the representatives on the board will perpetuate the tax for years after the original planned sunset date. I have always had a difficult time analyzing the projections of sales tax revenues as actually stagnet or declining while sales in the 5 counties have increased. This does not even meet the 'smell' test. How can this be? Racine County needs someone to ask the difficult questions and just not cave in to the usual political banter.

  3. We need to be done with this and use our money for something worthwhile. Why is it okay to spend millions building a new baseball stadium, but we complain about taking care of our schools?! Where are our priorities??
