
March 18, 2008

Mount Pleasant tax assessor endorses candidates

Update: Potter's website is changed. He took down all references to candidates and left up a thank you note to the village's anonymous $10 million donor. If you want to read the original content, Kilobite's blog saved it here.

Original post: Mount Pleasant's tax assessor is taking an active role in the Village Board's upcoming election.

Ed Potter, who used to serve on the board, started a website at to endorse three of the candidates running for the board. Potter received a three-year, $417,300 contract in November to serve as the village's tax assessor.

Potter's website includes a message on the opening page thanking the anonymous donor who gave the village $10 million to build a new municipal building. It then goes on to endorse Ken Flones, Robin Garard and John Hewitt in the April 1 election. He writes on the site:
This website is dedicated to honor those anonymous donors who saw an opportunity to leave their legacy in public structures for the use and enjoyment of their fellow Mount Pleasant taxpayers. They came forward unbidden to the Village, through Village Administrator Michael Andresen, Village Attorney John Shannon, indirectly through Village President Carolyn Milkie, and her fellow Trustees, Ken Flones, Sonny Havn, John Hewitt, Ed Potter (and his replacement Ingrid Tiegle), Jim Chaplin, and Robin Garard. For leaving the stewardship of $10,000,000 in the hands of the Village of Mount Pleasant, via their Village Board, we are humbled, honored by their trust, and thankful for their gift.

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