
March 4, 2008

Get on the Bus: Unified offering tour of schools Saturday

UPDATE: For anyone wondering about cost, the tour's price tag is $253, according to the district.

ORIGINAL POST: The Racine Unified School Board is hosting a bus tour of district schools on Saturday to point out the need to pass a five-year, $16.5 million referendum on April 1.

The Maintenance Referendum Bus Tour will begin at 8:30 a.m. at Case High School, 7345 Washington Ave. After the Case High School Tours, buses will take participants to Starbuck Middle School, Walden III, and Janes Elementary. The tour will include tours of four Racine Unified Schools and discuss how the maintenance referendum will benefit the students through making much needed repairs and upgrade security in the district's schools.

Anyone wishing to participate in the bus tour is asked to RSVP to the Office of Communications at (262) 631-7173 or by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 6. Reservations are needed to ensure enough buses for transportation.


  1. I received an e-mail invitation Monday from RUSD to attend the bus tour. I can just imagine the carefully scripted tour, showing tourists the crumbling basements, foundations, steps and maybe even broken student desks. This tour is not the same tour that would be afforded a head of state.

    Perhaps I should host a similar event for my home. I have many infrastructure in my circa 1940 home as well.

  2. $253.00 for a bus tour?!?! This must be a tour in the true Unified style of luxury.

    The city bus is only $1.50 and runs the same routes as the schools on the tour. Unified must be providing limousine service for their tour.

    Wouldn't it be more beneficial for them just to post pictures *for free* of the problems on their website? I can't see most people taking a day off of work to listen to their bellyaching.

  3. $253 ??

    Is this the prime example of how unified can not manage its money, or do i get a 'happy ending' after the tour? *wink* *wink*

  4. While I agree that postin pictures may save $, the community does need to see the buildings children are in for 7 hours a day. Ugh. Is this how we treat our children?
