
February 9, 2008

Top 10 List (if Letterman commuted from Racine)

As the state moves forward on its plans to spend nearly $2 billion to expand I-94 in southeast Wisconsin, 1000 Friends of Wisconsin has developed a top ten list of reasons to oppose the plan.

“Wisconsin is facing a budget shortfall that will require all state agencies to trim spending plans. The state Department of Transportation should set an example for all agencies by cutting back on wasteful spending. At the same time, the Transportation Department could help reduce the causes of global warming and help build stronger communities,” said Steve Hiniker, Executive Director of 1000 Friends of Wisconsin.

The Madison organization was created in 1996 "to protect and enhance Wisconsin's urban and rural landscapes by providing citizens with the inspiration, information and tools they need to effectively participate in the decisions that have the greatest impact on community health: where we live, work, learn, play and how we get from one place to another." The organization works for the reform of land use policies at the state and local levels.

Among the Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the I-94 Expansion:
1) It's not needed
2) We can't afford it
3) It will increase property taxes
4) It will add to the problems of global warming
For the complete list, go HERE.

1000 Friends of Wisconsin joined the American Civil Liberties Union of Wisconsin, Midwest Environmental Advocates and the Great Waters Group of the Sierra Club in criticizing the Draft Environmental Impact Statement prepared to address the impacts of the project in southeast Wisconsin. The detailed document they submitted is HERE.

(Disclaimer: The real Dave Letterman had nothing to do with this post or with the amazingly lifelike picture above.)

1 comment:

  1. It's true that expansion of I94 is not needed. It is true that legistlation is needed to move truck trafic off the outside lane as is done in Illinois. This is for safety and also helps keep the Interstate in better repair.
