
February 4, 2008

The story behind a Main Street store's happy face

That childlike smiley face to the left (his name is Jake), and those three little words, "Life is good," add up to a big business.

$100 million big. Who knew?

A few years ago, when Mary Osterman opened her Main Street hat, shirt and scarf shop, I had no idea it was part of a much bigger story. Turns out the "Life is good." line of friendly, optimistic wearables that Copacetic sells has a great backstory, one that began with two brothers selling t-shirts out of the back of a battered van.

How they grew from those humble beginnings into a successful brand selling goods in 4,500 stores like Copacetic appeared Monday in the St. Petersburg (FL) Times, and in the New York Times. If you've ever wondered how to grow one of your ideas into a big business, click on the image below and read the story.

Copacetic, by the way, began because Mary's husband, Monte, wanted a hat, but couldn't find one for sale. So they opened their own store, and picked up parts of the "Life is good" line, among others. (We told some of their story before, HERE.

And a really charming column about cancer patients passing along a "Life is good" hat from one to another -- they call it the Chemo Hat, and it apparently has healing properties -- is HERE. Read it and feel good yourself.

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