
February 6, 2008

The storm in pictures

If you've got pictures you'd like to see here, email them to us!

It started slowly, shortly after 4 p.m. Tuesday

What we awoke to Wednesday morning

Lake Avenue at 1 p.m. Wednesday

Wisconsin Avenue, about 2 p.m. Wednesday

... I know my garden is under here, somewhere

The UPS Lady drove a 40-mile route Wednesday

A jogger by the Y after lunchtime

South Main Street at 11:45 a.m. Wednesday

Moonlit peace: 10:30 p.m. at Hansche Pond


  1. FedEx Lady - looks like UPS truck; and UPS drivers are prettier than the FedExers.

  2. Whoops! Right you are (on the truck; I'm not getting into the "who's prettier" debate). I corrected it, thanks!

  3. Her name is Wendy. UPS Driver
