
February 14, 2008

Racine's primary ballot a trip down memory lane


How quickly we forget. Racine's Primary Election Ballot -- the whole thing is available online HERE -- is a trip down memory lane.

I mean: Eight Republican candidates, and eight Democratic candidates? How lucky are we, that all those early-decision states with primaries, caucuses and smoke-filled back rooms have narrowed the list for us. Duncan Hunter? I vaguely remember the name, a Congressman from somewhere, but that's about it... Tom Tancredo? Can't place the face. Was he for or against evolution?

Still, if they're on our ballot, I guess we can still pull the lever (metaphorically speaking) as a protest at the very least, for any one of the 16.

We don't have to accept the conventional wisdom that it's all over except for coronation at the party conventions. Mitt Romney threw his delegates to John McCain? That must've been hard (for both of them, if you saw the body language evident in yesterday's Boston press conference.) Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee is off giving a paid speech. I don't begrudge him the money; his point about being unemployed while all his opponents are still on the public payroll -- our tax dollars at work? -- is a good one. But while Southeast Wisconsin is dealing with snow and potential 20-below temperatures he'll be on Grand Cayman Island. The temperature there -- you could look it up; I just did -- is 79 degrees as I write this. That goes down hard! I wonder if he'll wear Bermuda shorts? Bicycle around the island in sandals?

And on the Democratic side: So what if Hillary Clinton just "reorganized" her campaign staff, and Barack Obama won't debate; we've got six other choices on that side of the ballot, too.

Am I really the only voter wishing for more? Too late! It is what it is. But look on the bright side: In three days -- for us, anyway -- it'll all be over. Try to endure; soon they'll all go home.

1 comment:

  1. I called the Racine County Clerk's ofice yesterday. The person who answered said the Clerk was out, and that she was the next in charge. She had absolutely no idea if, when, where, or why, the sample ballot would be put up on the internet. ALL she knew was that hteballot would be in the paper Monday.
    It was somewhat discouraging speaking with her.
