
February 19, 2008

Racine County vote totals

Here are the final unofficial returns, as reported by Racine County about 11:30 p.m. last night:

In the Democratic Primary:
Hillary Clinton: 16,294 votes, 43.65%
Barack Obama: 20,620 votes, 55.24%

In the Republican Primary:
Mike Huckabee 4,986 votes, 34.52%
John McCain: 8,337 votes, 57.72%

The county has 124,190 registered voters
51,861 votes were cast Tuesday
37,321 votes in the Democratic primary
14,446 votes in the Republican primary

Racine Unified School Board (top six advance to April election)
Carly-Anne Ravnikar 7,100
Dennis Wiser 11,906
David Thurwanger 5,090
Pamela Handrow 9,943
Melvin Hargrove 12,790
John Leiber 7,040
Karen Norton 11,776

The county's vote totals are being put online, as they are counted, HERE.

1 comment:

  1. If you look at the time, money, volunteers, staffers and people who were on BHO's team and the best they could pull off was about 117 votes.......I think HRC's team did awesome!!!
