
February 7, 2008

Kohl, Ryan explain their stimulus votes

Both houses of Congress today passed the economic stimulus program that will provide tax rebates for most of us, and all three Wisconsin congressmen voted 'yes.' Here's what Sen. Herb Kohl, D-WI, and Rep. Paul Ryan, R-WI, 1st District, had to say about their votes:

Herb Kohl:
“When Congress began working on a stimulus package, I urged a swift process to provide real relief for middle-income families struggling as the economy teeters.

“I am proud to say today we have done just that. By passing this economic stimulus plan in the Senate, we are ensuring that families whose household budgets are stretched thin, Social Security recipients and disabled veterans can get these rebates in the coming months.”

Paul Ryan:
“Allowing American families to keep more of their own hard-earned money is a good policy. Americans are already overburdened by taxes and are facing the threat of outrageous tax hikes. I firmly believe that increasing personal economic freedom is good for our economy. Businesses will benefit from the incentives included in this bill.

“Yet I can not stand behind the idea that tax rebates will add any lasting strength to our economy. Growth of a strong free market economy is not founded on government rebates, but in policy rooted in lower taxes and an inviting atmosphere for business. Real economic growth will come from low tax rates on workers and business owners alike. I supported this bill because working men and women, who are simply trying to keep up with the cost of living, deserve to have more control over their own money.”


  1. What about all those who are unemployed, and this unemployment is due to run out? How do they even begin to survive. You can't tell me that jobs are out their because they are NOT. My husband is 61 yrs. old and has been looking for work since Aug. when the mortgage business took a big hit.... No one is looking to hire a 61 yr old man.. All we needed was the extentsion to get us to his 62nd birthday and he will be able to apply for SS....The middle class is getting pushed out...

    Thanks. I'd rather have the extension

  2. You can be a proud as you can be. Without the unemployment extension my husband is out of benefits and 61 yrs. old.... How is this going to work for him ??? Not very good I can tell you..

    Congress needs to get off Roger Clements and work on the real issues at hand. The extension of these benefits.
