
February 17, 2008

If Feingold were Commander-in-Chief ...

We can imagine President Bush's thoughts when and if the latest legislation introduced by Sen. Russ Feingold, D-WI, ever reaches his desk for signature. (That's us imagining the PC version below.)

Feingold's legislation would redeploy all U.S. troops from Iraq and refocus U.S. military, intelligence and homeland security forces to go after and defeat al Qaeda all over the globe.

Feingold's two bills are co-sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, not that that would give them any more persuasiveness with the President, the Secretaries of Defense, State and Homeland Security, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence, all of whom would be directed "to provide to Congress a comprehensive strategy so we can refocus on our top national security priority – defeating al Qaeda globally."

"While the administration is discussing a ‘pause’ in its drawdown of troops from Iraq, Americans are continuing their call for an end to this war," Feingold said. "Congress needs to end the president’s failed strategy in Iraq, so that we can focus on improving our homeland security and denying al Qaeda a safe haven in Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere."

Feingold noted that in recent testimony before Congress, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, warned that an attack on the U.S. will most likely come from al Qaeda safe havens in Pakistan. Nonetheless, he has stated that it is our strategy to "do what we must" in Iraq while we only do "what we can" in Afghanistan. Secretary Gates is considering keeping over 130,000 troops in Iraq through the end of 2008 despite the fact that the Army Chief of Staff, General George Casey, has repeatedly stated that current U.S. military deployments are unsustainable.

Details of the two bills are after the break:

Feingold’s first bill – S. 2633:
· Requires the safe redeployment of U.S. combat troops from Iraq.

· Requires that after 120 days, funding in Iraq be limited to conducting targeted military operations against al Qaeda and its affiliates, providing security for U.S. personnel and infrastructure, training Iraqi Security Forces, providing equipment and training to U.S. troops, and continuing to redeploy U.S. troops from Iraq.

Feingold’s second bill – S. 2634:
· Requires the administration to present a report to Congress within 60 days outlining its global strategy for defeating al Qaeda and its affiliates. The report shall include an analysis of the relative threats in particular countries and regions and recommendations to ensure that U.S. military, intelligence and diplomatic assets are best deployed to meet those geographic threats.

· Requires the administration to develop a strategy ensuring that deployments do not undermine military readiness or homeland security, and that reserve units are not deployed more than once every four years and regular units are not redeployed more than once every two years.

1 comment:

  1. We would be speaking Arabic. Of could being Jewish Feingold would be killed.
    Israel turned into glass by Iran and other not nice things.
