
February 25, 2008

500th post!

We hit something of a milestone this morning ... our 500th post on this blog. We're approaching our 5-month anniversary, which averages out to 100 posts a month. Not bad for a couple of part-timers working on a shoestring.

Seriously, a thousand thank you's to everyone who has read RacinePost in recent months. You keep us going. For what it's worth, here's our first post.


  1. Keep up the good work guys!

  2. Congratulations!

  3. You're doing good. I keep checking in to find out what you're doing next. Some I like, and some things could be improved -- but I know this is a work in progress.

    And I see you're slowly buildng some health stories in there -- ginseng, Community Health Center, Year of the Rat, Molbeck's. I hope we'll see a regular colorful "health" logo soon.
