
January 1, 2008

Regret The Error finds the Journal Times

The story was wrong.

Then the correction compounded the error.

Finally, the correction of the correction began ungrammatically.


The perfect confluence for Regret The Error, the international (Hey, it's based in Canada!) journalism website that publicizes egregious newspaper errors -- in hope of improving the breed. And whose error does RTE pick to start out the new year?

Yes, our own local paper. HERE.

Nor was this the first time RTE has looked at Racine. "Gentle dogs and children: Cute and good for you!" was a classic from 2005. (In fairness to the Journal Times, let it be duly noted that some papers appear on Regret The Error far, far more often.)


  1. I get sick of the JT errors as much as most others, but you guys continually attacking them makes you look foolish. Nothing worse than ex-employees attacking your former employer, over and over again, IMHO. We get it, the JT sucks. Move on.

  2. Hmmm ... I wonder who from the JT wrote that? Seriously, though, we try to limit our JT posts to a minimum. In this case, it's interesting to see the JT in on another website, plus it's kind of funny. When I was a reporter, I had a mistake make Leno (our famous "drug and bugle corps").

    That said, the JT should be held just as accountable as elected officials, government officials and business leaders. They certainly have as much influence on our community on a daily basis. So we'll continue to comment on their stories and actions, just like we'll continue to report local news. Actually, we see them as one in the same ... the JT is local news.

  3. Sorry to disappoint Dustin, I don't work for the JT.
