
January 18, 2008

Plastic fetus mailing garners bad publicity all around

"There is no such thing as bad publicity," Irish author Brendan Behan once said.

I'm guessing he never received 44,000 plastic fetuses in the mail.

Since the little reminders of the 35th anniversary of Roe v Wade -- sent to 44,000 Racinians this week by Dave Obernberger (president of the Meadowbrook Country Club) and the Racine Chapter of Wisconsin Right to Life -- started showing up and making the news, the publicity, at least on the Blogosphere, has been negative all around.

Negative toward the city, to those who didn't appreciate the mailing, and especially to the group that sent it out.

Wonkette, the Washington, DC, blog that usually gets its jollies by bashing politicians -- today's victims include Hillary, Huckabee, Chelsea Clinton, George Clooney, a Congressional candidate from Texas you never heard of (Dean Hrbacek, satisfied?) and Mitt Romney -- honored us with this headline: Plague of Plastic Fetuses Reminds Racine of Its Sins.

"Even if you have to sadly target your dead baby mailings next time, Dave, keep up the good work. It’s totally people like you that are keeping the abortion rate down in this country for sure and a grateful nation thanks you. Also, residents of Racine: please send some little plastic fetuses to Megan so she might give them out as Valentines this upcoming St. Valentine’s Day. Thanks."
Almost 100 comments were equally dismissive.

RedRover wrote (once I cleaned up his spelling): "My family is from Racine. Way to make that place look like a bunch of wackos."

Lazy Media chimed in: "BTW, this is the first time Racine has been in the news since John Dillinger's gang robbed it in 1933. Congrats! See you in 75 years!"

Many other blogs chimed in.

The Freedom Eden blog opined: "People in Racine flipped out when they received a little plastic model of a fetus in the mail... Maybe they're more comfortable believing the stork brings babies."

The blogger at Outchurched wrote: "I think an appropriate response to this propaganda would be to mail everyone in Racine a bit of plastic dog poo with a letter explaining how this is a bunch of Christianist Crap. (He thoughtfully provided a picture.)

Doin Time In Eire, PA took on Wisconsin Right to Life: "In what way is mailing a plastic fetus to someone of whom you know nothing about, personally, politically or otherwise, considered a positive act?"

Dreams in a Badger -- who listed her current mood as "aggravated" -- wrote "who are you to tell me what to do with my body?"

Burke Williamson of Hattiesburg, MS, wrote "The Racine Chapter... taught us they have no sense of decency and lack both common sense and manners."

The blogger at Retractiones, an evangelical Protestant blog, asked: "What's in poor taste and so offensive about sending a plastic fetus? Is someone's conscience sensitive here?" Referring to a Racine woman who said she recycled the plastic fetus, the blogger wrote: "Me, I'm more offended by folks disposing of real fetuses, which, IMHO, is going too far."

At Wonkette, by the way, a number of bloggers were concerned about the cost of the mailing.

Floraway wrote: "Think about the economics of this activity. Let's say the company gave him a bulk discount of 10 cents each. That is $4,400, plus the (at least) 41 cents to mail each one. That would make this a $22,440 project. That woman shouldn't be upset about getting it. He wasted nearly $25,000-- just laugh at him."

But after searching the internet, Floraway found an online source for the little dolls, and the price was much more than a dime: $1.99 to $1.15 (for bulk orders of at least six). "Okay, I take that back. He spent $52,360 on the dolls -- which brings the total to $70,400. He could have put a kid through school, or helped a single mom buy a condo with that money. I think he made the right call though."

We'll give the last word to Chicago Bureau, writing on Wonkette: "Racine? Huh. Everyone knows that Kenosha is truly a den of iniquity."

By Friday night, the Wonkette post had drawn 2,860 views, and 92 comments.


  1. Did you read the comments at Wonkette? I think there are a few JT bloggers that really need that link!

  2. I was very turned off by Bonnie and Dave Obenburger's lame attempt at sensationalism.

    What a contribution that $$$ would have been to HALO - the homeless shelter in Racine, you know the one who cares for unwanted kids, families who need help.

    With most of the 44,000 plastic fetus in the garbage, and the overwhelming negativity it generated, Bonnie and Dave did nothing to further their attempt to intrude into the private and personal choices of Racine families.

  3. Oh No! The liberal blogosphere hates us. I'm crushed.

  4. Greg, I don't get it. You really overuse that liberal term.

    I guess I am going to put you in the same class as Fred - Hot heads, which isn't a good label to have when you want to run for office or stay in office.

    Please, it was a huge mistake to ship Chinese made fetus out to 44,000 homes.

    Our neighbor was just recuperating from a miscarriage, her 3rd as I recall. This brought much anguish to the whole family who considered themselves conservatives but not anymore. He is/was a dues paying member of the republican party but won't renew because of this mailing. Yup, these people lumped all of you into one big barrel. The Obenbergers invaded their living room, their privacy, their griefing. They came over to our house and asked if we got ours, I said yes and said I threw mine out. So did they, into their fireplace. Her physician told her he considered it a ridiculous and cruel publicity ploy and said his patients were all talking about it and were all against the mailing. Looks like you guys shot yourselves in the foot in a very expensive and public way.

  5. He - Obernberger - should resign from President of Meadowbrook Country Club, what an embarrassment.

  6. My interview only showed one statement I made. I also pointed out the grief that a woman who just miscarried and a woman trying to conceive would be pushed over the edge with receiving such an insensitive mailing. AND, the waste of money spent on the production of and mailing to ask for donations. WISN forgot to show that portion of my comments. No one attacked my comment on this blog, but I have seen it on several others and felt the need to add it here. Whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, everyone should have the right to pro-choice when it comes to their own body. This is a personal decision that does not need to be shared among the public. The Obenburgers crossed the line with this mailing. If their intention of awareness comes from the negative shock factor they achieved without any conscience to the affects of pain they caused to the mourning, this is not the type of organization that I will be willing to offer donations. People should not judge the reasons women choose abortion. There are *many* reasons it is performed that is nobody's business but the person/people involved. The public and the government need to stay out of people's personal lives and mind their own business. The judgemental ones need to realize everyone has ghosts in their closets, no matter what that ghost is. By focusing on other's ghosts, what ghosts of their own are they trying to avoid?

  7. Oh No! An anonymous poster on a blog labeled me. I guess I am doomed.

  8. Seriously, is this really Greg Helding? I really hope not, but if so, I'm really embarrassed that you have been elected to represent my district.

    I know several women who have lost babies by miscarriage. Statistics show that over 30% of women are likely to miscarry a baby. That means that many, many women who received one of these plastic fetus have already suffered loss and heartache. It's really a shame they didn't have the foresight to consider the emotional implications their "message" would have.

  9. Since Dave is the President of Meadowbrook, I think we should toss these on the golf course.

  10. Winterwitch has a great idea. They might even improve that lousy course.

    Are all Meadowbrook members as crazy as the president?

  11. What a TASTELESS thing to do.

    You should be ashamed of yourself, scumbag.

    they SHOULD dump them all in that guy's yard. see how HE likes it.

  12. Scott, No, Members of Meadowbrook are nice people. We were just talking this morning and a few are irate about this whole thing.

  13. There's nothing to worry about. I got mine, looked at it and wondered, and THREW IT OUT! It doesn't matter!!!!!!
