
January 8, 2008

Dey responds to Hall's challenge

Brian Dey posted this statement in the comments on our story about Ken Hall challenging Dey's nomination papers. We're elevating the comments to a full post so both candidates have equal say. Note to JT: This could be one of the most interesting local elections in years ... anyone going to cover it?)

Here's Dey's comments:

Once again, Ken Hall has resorted to cheap tactics and mudslinging to try to distant himself from opponents. He tried similar tactics in the County Executive race last year.

The process asks for 100 signatures, which I surpassed and stand by 100%. Mr. Hall , in his first campaign for County Supervisor misled the people of his district that I endorsed him by placing my name in an endorsement ad, which I had previously told him after a visit to my home that I would not endorse him.

As in his failed bid for County Executive in which he employed similar tactics, the people of the 15th District will not tolerate such disrespect for the political process.

I can only hope that the County Clerk does not fall for such cheap tactics. Rest assured, if he is successful in this stunt, I will not go away and will continue to run with a write in campaign.

My only hope is that the people that signed the nomination papers are not disenfranchised by Ken Hall.


  1. Ken Hall is the biggest pile of b.s. What an embarassment to anyone who supports this goon. As Mr. Dey stated, Hall tried to pull this kind of crap in the County Exec race and look where that got him.

    Good luck Brian!

  2. Wow! Brian Dey talks about "cheap tactics" and "mudslinging" and yet he's the one who is trash talking. And "kcin97" a tad too focused on the dooky aren't we? Ick.

    Brian Dey got 103 signatures out of a minimum of 100? That has got to be the LAZIEST effort for office of all time! Most candidates get at least 25% more than they need just to be sure they are covered in case there is a mistake.

    That is not the kind of effort a contentious person makes when they seek office, particularly one that controls taxpayer money for the entire county. If Mr. Dey really wanted to vie for the job, he should have applied completely and correctly.

  3. Mr. Dey did apply completely and correctly. Nothing has been proven otherwise to this point Iggy.
    I would much rather have a guy who got above the minimum signatures and is an honest and straightforward man than a crap slinging, b.s. spewing, egocentrical guy like Hall.

  4. Kcin97: What is your fixation with poop? It's so gross!

    You can vote for who ever you want, but I want someone who works hard and get's the job done right...the first time and doesn't make excuses.

    Why the anger? Aren't you the least bit disappointed Mr. Dey didn't get just 10 or 20 more signatures to make sure he'd be on the ballot.
