
December 22, 2007

YWCA building sold? So sayeth the rumor mill

We've been sitting for more than a week on word that the YWCA building is in the process of being sold, and will reopen as a doctor's office and fitness/rehab/health facility. But our phone messages have gone unreturned (and the doctor's wife told us today to stop calling -- harsh!), so we've been unable to reach the people who could confirm or debunk the story.

So let's just put it out as unconfirmed chatter (this is the internet, after all!) from two former YWCA staffers that Dr. Kenneth J. Kurt, a Racine osteopath, may or may not be buying the building, which closed on Dec. 7. The building was listed for sale at $650,000.

The only information we can find online about Dr. Kurt comes from HealthGrades, a healthcare rating organization, which says: "Dr. Kurt practices Family Practice in Franklin and Racine, Wisconsin. Dr. Kenneth Kurt, a male, graduated from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Med with a DO and has been in the profession for 48 years."

Wikipedia says the following about osteopathy:
"An osteopath is a practitioner of the approach to healthcare named osteopathy (or osteopathic medicine), which emphasises the importance of the musculoskeletal system on general health.

"Osteopaths are trained to use various healthcare interventions and technologies depending on the location of their training. In the U.S., osteopaths are trained at osteopathic medical schools. They are fully licensed physicians, with the same practice rights as physicians who carry an M. D. degree. Osteopathic physicians earn the degree of Diploma of Osteopathy or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.)."

YWCA members, who are now swimming (and grumbling) at the YMCA or DeKoven pool, or trying out local health clubs, are anxiously awaiting word. If the buyer of the YW wants to retain them as customers, he ought to get the word out before they move permanently to new lockers elsewhere.


  1. I am so sorry to say this, but they probably will want to move their lockers if he has purchased the building. If you thought the wife was rude......

  2. Honestly since Dr Kurt bought this building he has been nothing short of amazing. He's is cool and he makes it affordable to all of his patients. I never felt rushed or under informed. Thank you Dr Kurt!

  3. Dr. Kurt is a caring and super individual. More people should practice medicine like he does. He really cares about his patients, and is passionate about helping people.

  4. The article mentions only knowing what was found on a couple of generic sites. Try looking at the Department of Regulation and Licensing website.

  5. In agreement with the post made 1/24/10. It doesn't take much to check into someone's backround if you want the truth. The sad...I should say scary thing is this behavior has been ongoing for years and he is still practicing medicine.
