
December 3, 2007

Gun dealer mulls run for City Council

Terry Jackson and rifle he's raffling for Autism
More on the auction HERE.

UPDATE, 12/17: We asked Terry Jackson if he's decided to run, and here's his reply: "That would be no. If your blog was a small indication of my support, it would have gotten ugly... People either love me or hate me militantly. I would rather have a life and go to Sturgis."

He's gunning for ...
Taking a bead on ...
There's sure to be fireworks...

OK, got those bad puns out of my system; now we can begin:

Terry Jackson, the Racine gun dealer behind this summer's raffle of an AK-47 rifle for charity, has his sights on (Oops!) another target: a possible run for a Racine aldermanic seat.

Jackson took out papers at City Hall last week, although he hasn't filed yet.

If he does run, his campaign platform is direct: "I want to get rid of the mayor," he says. And, "There are too many lapdogs on the council."

Jackson says he has nothing against Mayor Gary Becker personally. "But we don't need the position; it's obsolete." He cites other Wisconsin cities with Council/Manager governments -- he says there are at least 12, but he can only name Fond du Lac -- and said ever since Racine hired a full-time administrator a city this size didn't need a mayor as well.

Pressed on Becker, Jackson says "His approval rating is dropping," although -- this not being Iowa or New Hampshire -- he can cite no polls to support this.

Where the aldermanic application form asks potential candidates to state "Who do you represent?" Jackson wrote, "the average person." If he runs, it would be in District 6, against incumbent Sandy Weidner, who has already declared her intention to run for re-election in the April 1, 2008, election.

Jackson is 43, married, father of two boys aged 20 months and 6 months (and two kids, 22 and 20 from an earlier marriage). He spent 15 years as an Army paratrooper, in Korea, Germany, Ft. Bragg, and other posts.

His earlier run-in with the city council came when he opened a pawnshop. "The minute it opened, the city council passed an ordinance forbidding pawn shops that sold guns from locating within 75-ft. of any residence." So six months ago Jackson opened DropZone Surplus, strictly a gun shop, at 2501 Douglas Ave.

OTHERS who have filed declaration of candidacies at City Hall include:
Robert L. Anderson, District 2, incumbent
James E. Kaplan, District 4, incumbent
Sandy Weidner, District 6, incumbent
Aron Wisneski, District 12, incumbent
Ronald D. Hart, District 14, incumbent


  1. No thanks. We don't need any more guns,and some guy posing with a rifle would never get my vote for anything.

  2. "The minute it opened, the city council passed an ordinance forbidding pawn shops that sold guns from locating within 75-ft. of any residence."

    Oh, really?

  3. The ordinance was for 250 feet, not 75 feet. It was for pawn shops in general, not pawn shops that sell guns.

    If you think pawn shops are gun dealers are good for the community, go ahead and run for Alderman and see how many voters agree with you.

  4. God forbid, but I may have to send Ald. Weidner a check for whatever the maximum amount allowable is.

  5. That's one ugly dude

  6. If he runs he will win. See the revolt start!
    See who will all be swept out of office.

  7. Weidner has my vote and support. A red neck white trash trash holding a gun...Yeah right

  8. So this guy a small busness owner who is helping others with his owner money is BAD becuse he sells/owns guns.
    And the Ritch White is al up in arms becuse he does not fit the image they like.
    Yip Yip goes the lap dog!

  9. Colt, it is hard to know whether to agree with you or not when your words all added up do not make a sentence. But I think you were referring to the "white trash" remark. If so, I agree that it was the wrong language.

    Also, if you are saying that Terry is a good choice for alderman cuz he owns a business and raffles off assault weapons and handguns for some worthy cause, then I disagree with you. Read his JT blogs. He is just looking for some publicity for a failing store that sells knock-off AK's and cheap handguns. Geeze! He has to advertise to get a non-profit to agree to raffle his crap off.

    The Spring pre-raffle pitch? "I think I want to raffle off a 50cal & get some abused-woman-kinda-gal-nonprofit shelter to help this time. Any out there? Send me a PM."

  10. Colt -

    I'm speechless... you have lost all credibility with me.

  11. Colt will live.

    Note: My point is we have the store owner who could do a lot more with his time the donate it and folks are bitching.
    Why do they not get together and help this group too?
    That is right they would have to do something rather then bitch.
    Easy to bitch much harder to act.

  12. From that photo it would appear there's a Kringle store pretty close to his gun shop.

  13. Mr. Jackson is an embarrassment. He tried running a teen center and it went belly up, he tried runnning a pawn shop and it went belly up, he deals in cheap guns-just what we need on the street, he blogged on the JT's website about his wife's private parts (real classy-just who I want to represent me) and his whole platform-Get Rid of Becker. Wow! Where wa he lat April? Where were all the bloggers last April? And to insinuate that the council is made up of lapdogs...obviously you haven't been watching Car 25. If Jackson can bring some postive contributions to a race for alderman than all the more power to him but he looks, acts and talks too sleazy for me.

    And whats up Colt. You lick your finger, stick it in the air and which ever way the wind blows thats what and who you support that day.

  14. "And whats up Colt. You lick your finger, stick it in the air and which ever way the wind blows thats what and who you support that day."

    I agree with the above statement. Colt, along with this character with the gun has no credibility. I am outside of that aldermatic district but I may have to send a check to Weidner.

  15. "And whats up Colt. You lick your finger, stick it in the air and which ever way the wind blows thats what and who you support that day."

    I agree with the above statement. Colt, along with this character with the gun has no credibility. I am outside of that aldermatic district but I may have to send a check to Weidner.

  16. This guy is a scumbag, and has a shady history.

    he's an attention whore on JT's blog, he should have been banned from them long ago.

    He started all this buzz about his gun giveaways, and people posted all this dirt on his blog about him, and he pissed himself and deleted them all.

    this Douchebag likes to keep his picture in the paper, that's it.

    His businesses are a blemish to Racine, and i wish they'd deal with this guy.


  17. btw, that pawnshop ordinance was passed on 1/2007 (thanks for the link)

    had nothing to do with him.

  18. again the ones who resort to personal attacks are the less intelligent ones... he has already decided to NOT run... since noone wants any changes...

  19. Thats good news but I bet its because he cannot stand up to the scrutiny. Jackson is a good one for dishing it out but its different being on the receiving end isnt it...

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. That sorry excuse for a surplus store will go belly up in the next few months, watch and see. Then we can laugh his ass off these blogs!!

  22. I always thought that guy was a goofball by reading some of the blogs he has posted.

  23. he certainly has a screw loose, and wasnt even smart enough to backup some of his statements with facts, even though he was begin interviewed!


  24. Hey Mr. "gun" dealer. Take a bath and shave, you look very dirty and stinky!

  25. Please take this person's picture off of your website, it is degrading to have this smack in the middle of your POST which I feel is an asset to the community. However, this person has had enough attention and NOT good attention, long enough. I would never ever patronize a gun auction, a cheap gun at that, for any charity at all. At least up North, they have auctions for deer hunting rifles, etc., which are commonplace. Here, in Racine, were, just last night a 16 year old girl was shot in the spine, plus other events with these types of guns makes this event wholly inappropriate.

  26. I would have rather had something about some of Racine's heros on Pearl Harbor on your page than Terry Jackson.

  27. The girl died last night. I again find it totally inappropriate to have this man toting a gun obviously not used for the sport of hunting displayed on your page.

  28. That photograph is inappropriate in light of a 16 year old girl getting killed last night. For all we know the gun used might have been purchased at that gun store. Have some respect for the family and remove the gun toting owner. Thank you.

  29. Does this guy sell guns or bakery goods? Geeez, what a tubby.
