
December 23, 2007

Comments: Clean up your language ... or else

We've reached the moment of truth: Some of you, like Ralphie here, need to have your mouth washed out with soap.

Others do not use offensive language or w*rds 'cleverly' designed to evade profanity filters, but still lack civility and deal only in the put-down, while hiding behind anonymity.

We have these choices:
1. Cut it out! You know who you are. Let this be a place for civil discourse and discussion.
OR: 2. We'll tell your mother what you said.
OR: 3. We can require registration before anyone is permitted to post comments.
OR: 4. We can start moderating comments, which will delay their appearance on the blog.
OR: 5. We can shut off comments entirely.

We'll go with #1 first, but if that doesn't stop the abuses immediately, we'll move to something more restrictive.

This isn't a poll and the majority doesn't rule. Feel free to comment, of course, but be forewarned that we're not going to put up with the profanity and nastiness any longer.

1 comment:

  1. The Journal Times should take the same hard line. They need to moderate their blogs.
