
November 9, 2007

RacinePost on your cell phone!

Interested in having RacinePost headlines texted to your cell phone? Now you can thanks to The social-networking site sends out our headlines as they're posted, and the service is entirely FREE! It's also safe and easy to use.

If you'd like to receive RacinePost headlines, visit Twitter and sign-up for an account. Once you're logged in (it takes about 3 minutes), search for "RacinePost" and simply follow our conversation. Standard text-messaging fees apply, but there's no fee for the service.

If you're not interested in getting headlines on your phone, you can still follow RacinePost news through Twitter, AIM and other chat clients. Sign-up at Twitter to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. people have to 'search'?

    why not post the url guys??
