
November 30, 2007

NY Times *hearts* Racine: Newspaper loves city's turn to the arts

The New York Times loves Racine. Reporters have made an annual check to our beloved city once a year over the past three years to write glowing accounts of a renaissance taking place under our very feet.

All three articles have focused on Racine's transition from a manufacturing town into a colony for artists. Given the NY Times' national perspective, perhaps there is something to Mayor Gary Becker's continual efforts to push for an expansion of the arts in the city.

Next year, the NY Times will be able to visit and chronicle efforts to convert Uptown into an artist colony. The City Council is poised to pass sweeping changes for the neighborhood to convert at least four buildings and condominiums and studios for artists over the next five years. The so-called "Uptown Artist Relocation Program" (click here to read the full plan) will both market Racine to artists and rehab buildings to bring them here.

If successful, that certain seems like a national story of interest... maybe the NY Times will be back. Here's a list of the stories the Gray Lady has published about Racine in recent years:


  1. "Next year, the NY Times will be able to visit and chronicle efforts to convert Uptown into an artist colony. The City Council is poised to pass sweeping changes for the neighborhood to convert at least four buildings and condominiums and studios for artists over the next five years. The so-called "Uptown Artist Relocation Program" (click here to read the full plan) will both market Racine to artists and rehab buildings to bring them here."

    Colt loves the Post but lets be real with shootings in the Uptown area Total 24 AKA AKA open drug sales.
    A very poor school system
    The mixed message of 6th St VS the Uptown for art
    Who will move here?
    Milwaukee has more folks with money
    Kenosha with AHA Kenosha is moving along very well and Kenosha does not have the Crime and Kenosha has better schools. So again who will move here.
    Other ? to ask would be who is doing the marketing of this program Bid or no bid for the contract was a local busness/ busness owner even asked to help in the marketing?
    But I go off the topic.

    The first thing Racine must do is control crime followed by a joint effort to market the entire city vs groups marketing their area.
    Of couse this should all be worked with the efforts of the Milwaukee 7

    I am sure Becker just loves the press however he still gutted the fire dept for a grant writer
    the Point Blue Project has yet to even by the land.
    State and Main is going to berun by the same company that ran the Wagon "art" complex into the ground.
    But the New York Times prints something nice.
    In a sense this reminds me of Italy in the 30's where the "trains ran on time" that was becuse thart is what the newspapers were forced to print.

  2. Colt -

    SO, your attitude is that Racine is a crime infested shithole and the only way to solve the problem is with more police? It makes no sense at all to try new or different ideas?

    I am so tired of this union rhetoric about gutting the Fire Department. How exaclty have they been gutted? Their annual reports show they are meeting all the national standards for response time.

  3. Yes basic law enforcment using COP houses staffed solves crime issues. Helps neiboorhoods take back the streets like the 6th st area has shown.
    Putting up new COP houses is a new idea and has worked around the US.
    If we do not control crime (and I think we are losing) Racine will see more gang killings. Drugs will contune to invade this city.
    Did you know that MS 13 is now looking to set up shop in Racine like they have in the Southside of Milwaukee?
    Should we not fight this now? No why bother? Some art person from say New York will come to the City and their Gallery will stop crime (along with Grant Writer)

    Aas for the Fire Dept did you know they have quit doing fire safity in the Schools?
    The staffing of the Racine Fire Dept is down 6 I think there must be a need for having them in the first place right or why would they be part of the T-O&E of the RFD?
    Wait until someone dies becuse the lack of manpower at RFD gee who will get to pay for that?
    Once the basic public safity of the City is in hand then Racine can play with Real Estate.

    Colt is far from a union fan but I guess I should have paid more attention to what that union said was going to happen once Fire Stations started to close.

    My answers to the Uptown mess is repair or raze orders. If the owners do not want to maintaine what they own then the city should force them too or force them to tear it down.
    Empty lots work for me far better then City owned empty buldings waiting for folks who will not show up.
    Lets move to Racine with High crime gutted public safity and poor schools soon to bring you a hire sales tax for a Train few will ride and taxes I mean fees to curmivent levy limits.
    But we do have a grant writer!

  4. It's always interesting (and humorous) to see how outsiders view Racine. While the NYT's description of our city as a "gritty art town" is a stretch, it isn't a negative.

    Let's just enjoy the publicity -- and do what we can to help the city live up to the image.

  5. Great publicity for our downtown! The Racine Art Museum should have received more recognition as the catalyst for spurring art development around it.
    Everything noted in the article was privately fostered-city government at best has sat in the bleachers cheering.
