
November 30, 2007

UPDATED: Karas resigns from Racine City Council

UPDATE: Karas offered these comments in response to his resignation:

** I have a rare opportunity to step back and reflect on the direction I wish to take in the future. I have not decided what I am going to do next. It may be a few days or few weeks before I decide if I will run for my old seat, do something else, or if “I’m gonna cut the soles off my shoes, sit in a tree and learn to play the flute.” (Anyone who knows where that reference came from is as strange as I am – no google searches allowed!)

** Generally, I would be at the Council meeting on Tuesday night to say a few words, but since my son Brad also has a jazz band concert at UW-Parkside that night, I will not be attending the council meeting.

** Please do not take my non-attendance as anything except my having a schedule conflict. I appreciate all who I have worked with and will at some point convey those thoughts in person.

** In my resignation letter, I asked that the City Council pass a resolution supporting AB-500. I would very much appreciate it if this could be brought forth as soon as possible and passed under a suspension of the rules, and sent to the leadership in both the Senate and Assembly.

** This weekend, I have heard of several rumors flying around that are so ludicrous that I will not repeat them. I resigned for two reasons: I discovered that serving was in violation of State law and I had to protect my insurance license and thus my livelihood. If you should happen to hear of any “ulterior motives,” or future “devious plans,” please take them for what they are – laughable rumors without any merit. If anyone has questions about the truth of what they may hear, they are free to give me a call at any time.

A sincere thank you to everyone who has expressed their kind words via email and phone calls the last few days. Your concern and personal support has been both comforting and heartwarming.


Alderman Pete Karas abruptly resigned from the Racine City Council Friday after learning about an archaic state law that prohibits municipal officials from selling anything to businesses with liquor licenses.

Karas, who represents the city's 9th District, sells commercial insurance and is a certified risk manager. His clients include restaurants and stores that sell alcohol.

The law came to light on Friday after the Wausau Daily Herald wrote a story about a Stevens Point vacuum cleaner salesman who had to resign his elected position because he made sales to taverns.

State legislators, including State Rep. Bob Turner and State Sen. John Lehman, both D-Racine, are working to change the law.

In the meantime, Karas said he had to resign to avoid losing his insurance license with the state.

"It would financially ruin me," Karas said about losing his license.

Karas and his supporters spent Thursday and Friday making calls through the state trying to learn more about the law. No one could promise Karas that he was safe from criminal prosecution.

State statute 125.51 (1b) reads: "No member of the municipal governing body may sell or offer to sell to any person holding or applying for a license any bond, material, product or thing that may be used by the licensee in carrying on the business subject to licensure."

The law was passed in the 1930s to prevent elected officials from selling liquor licenses at the end of Prohibition.

A public hearing was held Thursday on changing the state law to allow officials like Karas to stay in office.

Karas resigned Friday because, under city ordinance, if a City Council seat is vacated before Dec. 1 a special election has to be held the following April to fill the seat. If the seat is resigned after Dec. 1, the mayor can appoint a replacement to fill the seat through 2009.

In theory, Karas could run for his seat in April if the state changes the law before the election.

Karas, a member of the Green Party, was elected to the City Council in 2003 and is serving his third term in office.


  1. Mr. Karas is all that is right in Racine a free thinker (even though I may not agree with him all the time) not a lap dog. Willing to help.
    This is what we need in office. I have written both Lehman and Turner to do what is right and will contact Mr. Voss next week.

  2. This story doesn't pass the smell test. Note that Mr. Karas (as well as Pete/Dustin) relied entirely on a single newspaper account from across the state.

    WHY didn't someone touch base with the Racine City Atty office? WHY didn't someone nose around to learn if any other elected city officials have been in violation and/or forced to resign over the past 70-some years that the state law has been in effect. If those questions aren't answered, this issue is much ado about nothing.

    It's a safe bet that the Wisconsin state statutes are full of arcane things that could trip up an individual or business. BUT, these things seldom create a problem unless there's actual enforcement.

    While it feels good for our Legislature to fix these things as they occur, I'd much rather see them devote time and energy to serious public policy (i.e. education funding, public transportation, tax reform, etc.)

  3. Why would you assume Pete did NOT contact the city attorney's office? I'm quite sure he did. The city attorney was at the press conference.

  4. So if Spangenberg sells furniture to someone who has a liquor license, would he have to resign also?

  5. So will Karas be Cited or arrested now that he has admitted to breaking the law?? Remember, ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. Interesting isn't it???

  6. "ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law."

    Apparently, ignorance does not preclude people from blogging.

  7. It looks like Pete handled this very appropriately and with maturity. I wish him well no matter what he decides to do in the future.
