
November 4, 2007

Feingold to vote against Bush's AG nominee

Early Sunday morning, Sen. Russ Feingold's office issued the following statement:

"I will vote against the nomination of Judge Mukasey to be the next Attorney General. This was a difficult decision, as Judge Mukasey has many impressive qualities. He is intelligent and experienced and appears to understand the need to depoliticize the Department of Justice and restore its credibility and reputation.

"At this point in our history, however, the country also needs an Attorney General who will tell the President that he cannot ignore the laws passed by Congress. Unfortunately, Judge Mukasey was unwilling to reject the extreme and dangerous theories of executive power that this administration has put forward.

"The nation's top law enforcement officer must be able to stand up to a chief executive who thinks he is above the law. The rule of law is too important to our country's history and to its future to compromise on that bedrock principle."

Last we heard, Sen. Herb Kohl was still trying to make up his mind; hadn't issued a definitive statement one way or the other.


  1. Wait a second. Didn't Sen. Feingold defend his "Ashcroft vote" saying that the President should be able to pick whomever s/he wishes? Ashcroft was not a criminal, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    Maybe philosophical reasoning only matters when it is not "at this point in history?" Wait! We're always at a point in history. It is all so confusing...

    btw, see the link at the FYI:

    ..."Presidents, Feingold said, ought to be allowed to choose their Cabinets. Rejecting nominees on ideological grounds, he argued, would hamstring the ability of a new administration to implement the agenda on which it was elected....

  2. Without question, Feingold is a mouth breathing moron!!!
